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Chapter 1.

Student Video Activities for Abnormal Psychology
You must read each slide, and complete any questions on the slide, in sequence.

Benjamin Rush's Moral Treatments

Author: Ronald J. Comer

Photo Credit: Photodisc

Princeton University

Click the Arrow to start this activity

Although Benjamin Rush, widely considered the father of American Psychiatry, came to believe in and practice moral treatment in the early 1800s, many of his prior treatments reflected contemporary medical thought and would be judged quite harshly by today’s standards. A case in point was his famous “restraint chair,” presented in this video.


1. As explained in the video, how was the Rush chair intended to help the patient's mental health?

2. Benjamin Rush is often referred to as ____________.

3. According to the textbook, which of the following was NOT a reason for the nineteenth century decline of the moral treatment movement, which Benjamin Rush had helped spread to the United States?

4. According to the textbook, who made the biggest contribution to the actualization of Benjamin Rush's ideals of humane mental health care in the United States?

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