Bandura’s Bobo Doll: Is Aggressive Behavior Learned?
Author: Ronald J. Comer
Princeton University
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Does an individual’s observation of aggressive or violent models of behavior lead, in turn, to aggressive or violent behavior by the individual? Yes, according to this famous study by Albert Bandura, which helped Bandura develop his behavioral theory of modeling. As you will see in the video, which is narrated by Bandura himself, children in his study attack a Bobo doll after observing an adult model do the same.
1. Bandura' Bobo Doll study illustrates that children may learn aggression through _____________.
2. Bandura's Bobo Doll study supports the principles of the _____________.
3. In Bandura's study, the control group consists of _____________.
4. In the Bobo Doll study, Bandura was particularly interested in whether children would display ______________ aggressive acts under certain conditions.
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