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Chapter 1.

Student Video Activities for Abnormal Psychology
You must read each slide, and complete any questions on the slide, in sequence.

Gambling Disorder: A Behavioral Addiction

Photo Credit: Digital Stock

Author: Ronald J. Comer

Princeton University

Click the Arrow to start this activity

DSM-5 considers gambling disorder, sometimes called compulsive gambling, to be an addiction, much like substance use disorder is an addiction. This controversial notion that behaviors can, in fact, be addictive is supported by research demonstrating that the same area of the brain may play a key role in both behavioral addictions and substance addictions. This video focuses on research at the University of Minnesota into the causes and treatment of compulsive gambling and other apparent addictive behaviors, including the role of the brain’s pleasure center. The video also features a man who takes a new drug to help treat his gambling addiction, a drug that helps dampen the pleasure associated with his pathological behavior.


1. The video describes the gambling disorder of Theodore as a(n) ______________.


2. According to the video, the cause of his pathological gambling is ______________.

3. According to DSM-5, the gambling disorder of the man in this video is most similar to which of the following disorders?

4. The medications taken by the man in this video are also used to help treat ______________.

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