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Chapter 1.

Student Video Activities for Abnormal Psychology
You must read each slide, and complete any questions on the slide, in sequence.

Fight-or-Flight: How Stress Affects Psychological and Bodily Functioning

Photo Credit: Photodisc

Author: Ronald J. Comer

Princeton University

Click the Arrow to start this activity

This video features the running of the bulls in Pamplona, Spain, which continues to be a popular event despite the fact that many people have been gored or even killed since its inception. In particular, the video focuses on one man who is running with the bulls. His physiological reactions - heart rate and cortisol levels - are monitored before, during, and after his participation. As you watch the video, consider what it reveals about the nature of the body’s fight-or-flight response to danger.


1. Like most people confronted with extreme stressors, the man in the video experiences ______________ while he runs with the bulls.

2. The brain and body changes that result with the confrontation of extreme stressors are not related to changes in ______________.

3. The fight-or-flight response ______________.

4. The reactions on display in this video may, over time, relate to ______________.

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