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Chapter 1.

Student Video Activities for Abnormal Psychology
You must read each slide, and complete any questions on the slide, in sequence.

Three Faces of Eve: The Real Person

Photo Credit: Fancy Collection/SuperStock

Author: Ronald J. Comer

Princeton University

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Most people have read the book or seen the feature film The Three Faces of Eve, or at least heard about this famous case. However, few have actually observed the woman who suffered from this disorder. In this video, a filmed interview conducted by her therapist over a half century ago, you will see Eve’s three subpersonalities discussing their views and behaviors. It is worth noting that, as it turned out, this woman also experienced many other personalities beyond those on display in this interview or in the case study.


1. Based on the symptoms displayed in the video, which of the following diagnoses should be given to "Eve" (whose real name is Chris Costner Sizemore)?

2. In the video, it is the personality named "Eve White" that must be returned to each time Chris Sizemore switches from one personality to another. This helps establish "Eve White" as the ______________.

3. All three of Chris Sizemore's subpersonalities on display in this video appear to be aware of the others and remember events from each other's lives. However, given that Sizemore had many other subpersonalities that were never referred to during this period (and thus never known about by her therapist at the time) one could say that Sizemore's subpersonalities often lived in a _________ ___________ relationship pattern.

4. From the brief evidence seen in this video, Sizemore's therapist is employing a ___________ approach to investigate the pasts of the various subpersonalities and ultimately to achieve fusion among the subpersonalities (a goal Sizemore ultimately achieved).

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