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Chapter 1.

Student Video Activities for Abnormal Psychology
You must read each slide, and complete any questions on the slide, in sequence.

Persistent Depressive Disorder

Photo Credit: Photodisc

Author: Ronald J. Comer

Princeton University

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DSM-5 has added the diagnosis "persistent depressive disorder" for individuals whose depression is chronic ― either in severe or mild form (called dysthymic disorder). The young man in this video seems to display a severe form of this disorder. The video takes an in-depth look at the impact of symptoms of clinical depression on his life. You'll see the man’s physical and psychological state through a series of interactions, interviews, and personal video diary segments that take place over an extended period.


1. According to the man in the video, how long has he suffered from depression?

2. What forms of treatment does the man in the video receive?

3. The man in the video displays or describes each of the following symptoms, except:

4. What is the link between this man’s depression and his marital relationship?

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