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Chapter 1.

Student Video Activities for Abnormal Psychology
You must read each slide, and complete any questions on the slide, in sequence.

One Man’s Return from Combat

Photo Credit: Eyewire
Photo for illustrative purposes only; any individual depicted is a model.

Author: Ronald J. Comer

Princeton University

Click the Arrow to start this activity

This video case features a Vietnam veteran who suffers from posttraumatic stress disorder, which affects his family, personal, and professional life. As you watch the video, you will see footage that conveys the intensity and anxiety-arousing nature of his combat experience. You will also see specific symptoms of the disorder and gain insight into how flashbacks and persistent watchfulness impede daily functioning. The video includes the work of the well-known trauma researcher Douglas Bremner.


1. Which of the following does NOT indicate a primary symptom of posttraumatic stress disorder in Dennis, the Vietnam veteran portrayed in the video?

2. During World War I, some of the symptoms now recognized as PTSD were commonly known as ______________.

3. Stress disorders are commonly treated with a combination of insight therapies, exposure treatments, and drug therapies. Among the commonly prescribed drugs for PTSD are anti-anxiety drugs and ______________.

4. Many people suffering from stress disorders feel dazed and separated from their familiar surroundings, or even their bodies. This symptom of stress disorders is known by clinicians as ______________.

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