The condition in which subjects of an experiment are not exposed to the particular treatment in question.
correlational approach
A method that measures two different types of behavior and evaluates the relationship between them.
descriptive approach
A method of investigation used to observe, measure, and describe behavior.
double-blind procedure
A procedure in which neither the participants nor the researchers who administer the treatment and who measure the participants’ responses know in which condition any particular participant is.
experimental approach
A method of investigation used to demonstrate cause and effect relationships by purposely manipulating one aspect of a situation that is thought to produce a change in a particular behavior.
experimental condition
The particular treatment in question to which subjects in an experiment are exposed.
What is standard or predictable.
The entire group of individuals who are of particular concern in a scientific study.
random assignment
A procedure in which each individual has an equal chance of being assigned to each group within an experiment.
random sample
A group chosen from the population by random selection such that every member of the larger group or population has an equal chance of being selected.
representative sample
A sample that closely parallels the population on all the relevant characteristics.
A group of individuals drawn from a specified population.
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Thomas E. Ludwig, Hope College S. Stavros Valenti, Hofstra University
Putting together a research study is challenging work. In this activity, you will explore some of the major pitfalls of the process of designing a research study and then read descriptions of three hypothetical studies. Each of these hypothetical studies has one major flaw and several minor problems. You will be asked to identify the major flaw in each study.
Thinking About Developmental Research
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Planning and conducting a good research project is no small task. There are many complexities to consider when developing a research study, and there is always a chance that the results may not support the researcher’s hypothesis. While this activity will test your knowledge of some of the common pitfalls in developmental research, let’s review some of the basic concepts in research methodology.
Research Goals
Depending on the goal of their study, researchers generally adopt one of three methods when designing a study.
If the goal is to describe or document a particular behavior, researchers rely on the descriptive approach, which is a method of investigation used to observe, measure, and describe behavior.
If the goal is to attempt to predict the occurrence of a particular behavior, researchers use the correlational approach, which is a method that measures two different types of behavior and evaluates the relationship between them.
If the goal is to explain a behavior or understand why it occurs, researchers turn to the experimental approach, which is a method of investigation used to demonstrate cause-and-effect relationships by purposely manipulating one aspect of a situation that is thought to produce a change in a particular behavior.