Titration is an essential Chemistry Technique. This video shows how to properly perform a titration.
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When working with solutions in chemistry, often times we need to know the concentration of the ions in solution.
For acid-base solutions we can use an acid-base titration to determine this. A titration is an experimental way to determine the concentration of an ion in solution. In an acid-base titration we utilize the mole ratio of protons to hydroxide ions in the neutralization reaction.
When doing a titration you will use a solution of known concentration, or a standard, to find the concentration of an unknown solution.
Is it necessary to have your initial volume of titrant in the buret measure exactly 0.0 mL?
NSShxP34I+b1ynxZYou can use 3ElIZqa9BN7Pod8CPqigEJizZX0= to flush the last single drop of titrant off the tip of the buret into the flask near the endpoint of the titration.