4.3 Consumer Surplus, Producer Surplus, and the Gains from Trade

One of the 12 core principles of economics we introduced in Chapter 1 is that markets are a remarkably effective way to organize economic activity: they generally make society as well off as possible given the available resources. The concepts of consumer surplus and producer surplus can help us deepen our understanding of why this is so.

The Gains from Trade

Let’s return to the market in used textbooks but now consider a much bigger market—say, one at a large university like the University of British Columbia (UBC). There are many potential buyers and sellers, so the market is quite competitive. Let’s line up incoming students who are potential buyers of a used book in order of their willingness to pay, so that the entering student with the highest willingness to pay is potential buyer number 1, then the student with the next highest willingness to pay is number 2, and so on. Then we can use their willingness to pay to derive a demand curve like the one in Figure 4-11.

Figure4-11Total Surplus In the market for used textbooks, the equilibrium price is $30 and the equilibrium quantity is 1000 used books. Consumer surplus is given by the blue area, the area below the demand curve but above the price. Producer surplus is given by the red area, the area above the supply curve but below the price. The sum of the blue and the red areas is total surplus, the total benefit to society from the production and consumption of the good.

Similarly, we can line up outgoing students, who are potential sellers of the used book, in order of their (opportunity) cost—starting with the student with the lowest cost, then the student with the next lowest cost, and so on—to derive a supply curve like the one shown in the same figure.

The total surplus generated in a market is the total net gain to consumers and producers from trading in the market. It is the sum of the producer and the consumer surpluses.

As we have drawn the curves, the market reaches equilibrium at a price of $30 per book, and 1000 used books are bought and sold at that price. The two shaded triangles show the consumer surplus (blue) and the producer surplus (red) generated by this market. The sum of consumer and producer surpluses is known as the total surplus generated in a market.

The striking thing about this picture is that both consumers and producers gain—that is, both consumers and producers are better off because there is a market for this good. But this should come as no surprise—it illustrates another core principle of economics: There are gains from trade. These gains from trade are the reason everyone is better off participating in a market economy than they would be if each individual tried to be self-sufficient.

But are we as well off as we could be? This brings us to the question of the efficiency of markets.

The Efficiency of Markets

Markets produce gains from trade, but in Chapter 1 we made an even bigger claim: that markets are usually efficient. That is, we claimed that once the market has produced its gains from trade, there is no way to make some people better off without making other people worse off, except under some well-defined special conditions.

The analysis of consumer and producer surplus helps us understand why markets are usually efficient. To gain more intuition into why this is so, consider the fact that market equilibrium is just one way of deciding who consumes the good and who sells the good. There are other possible ways of making that decision.

Consider, for example, the case of kidney transplants, discussed earlier in For Inquiring Minds. There you learned that, in Canada and the United States, available kidneys currently go to the people who have been waiting the longest, rather than to those most likely to benefit from the organ for a longer time. In the United States, to address this inefficiency, a new set of guidelines is being devised to determine eligibility for a kidney transplant based on “net benefit,” a concept an awful lot like consumer surplus: kidneys would be allocated largely on the basis of who will benefit from them the most.

To further our understanding of why markets usually work so well, imagine a committee charged with improving on the market equilibrium by deciding who gets and who gives up a used textbook. The committee’s ultimate goal: to bypass the market outcome and devise another arrangement, one that would produce higher total surplus.

Let’s consider the three ways in which the committee might try to increase the total surplus:

  1. Reallocate consumption among consumers

  2. Reallocate sales among sellers

  3. Change the quantity traded

Reallocate Consumption Among Consumers The committee might try to increase total surplus by selling used books to different consumers. Figure 4-12 shows why this will result in lower surplus compared to the market equilibrium outcome. Points A and B show the positions on the demand curve of two potential buyers of used books, Ana and Bob. As we can see from the figure, Ana is willing to pay $35 for a used book, but Bob is willing to pay only $25. Since the market equilibrium price is $30, under the market outcome Ana buys a used book and Bob does not.

Figure4-12Reallocating Consumption Lowers Consumer Surplus Ana (point A) has a willingness to pay of $35. Bob (point B) has a willingness to pay of only $25. At the market equilibrium price of $30, Ana purchases a used book but Bob does not. If we rearrange consumption by taking a used book from Ana and giving it to Bob, consumer surplus declines by $10 and, as a result, total surplus declines by $10.

Now suppose the committee reallocates consumption. This would mean taking the used book away from Ana and giving it to Bob. Since the used book is worth $35 to Ana but only $25 to Bob, this change reduces total consumer surplus by $35 – $25 = $10. Moreover, this result doesn’t depend on which two students we pick. Every student who buys a used book at the market equilibrium has a willingness to pay of $30 or more, and every student who doesn’t buy a used book has a willingness to pay of less than $30. So reallocating the good among consumers always means taking a used book away from a student who values it more and giving it to one who values it less. This necessarily reduces total consumer surplus.

Reallocate Sales Among Sellers The committee might try to increase total surplus by altering who sells their used books, taking sales away from sellers who would have sold their used books at the market equilibrium and instead compelling those who would not have sold their used books at the market equilibrium to sell them.

Figure 4-13 shows why this will result in lower surplus. Here points X and Y show the positions on the supply curve of Xavier, who has a cost of $25, and Yvonne, who has a cost of $35. At the equilibrium market price of $30, Xavier would sell his used book but Yvonne would not sell hers. If the committee reallocated sales, forcing Xavier to keep his used book and Yvonne to sell hers, total producer surplus would be reduced by $35 – $25 = $10.

Figure4-13Reallocating Sales Lowers Producer Surplus Yvonne (point Y) has a cost of $35, $10 more than Xavier (point X), who has a cost of $25. At the market equilibrium price of $30, Xavier sells a used book but Yvonne does not. If we rearrange sales by preventing Xavier from selling his used book and compelling Yvonne to sell hers, producer surplus declines by $10 and, as a result, total surplus declines by $10.

Again, it doesn’t matter which two students we choose. Any student who sells a used book at the market equilibrium has a lower cost than any student who keeps a used book. So reallocating sales among sellers necessarily increases total cost and reduces total producer surplus.

Change the Quantity Traded The committee might try to increase total surplus by compelling students to trade either more used books or fewer used books than the market equilibrium quantity.

Figure 4-14 shows why this will result in lower surplus. It shows all four students: potential buyers Ana and Bob, and potential sellers Xavier and Yvonne. To reduce sales, the committee will have to prevent one or more transactions that would have occurred in the market equilibrium—for example, they might prevent Xavier from selling to Ana. Since Ana is willing to pay $35 and Xavier’s cost is $25, preventing this transaction reduces total surplus by $35 – $25 = $10.

Figure4-14Changing the Quantity Lowers Total Surplus If Xavier (point X) were prevented from selling his used book to someone like Ana (point A), total surplus would fall by $10, the difference between Ana’s willingness to pay ($35) and Xavier’s cost ($25). This means that total surplus falls whenever fewer than 1000 used books—the equilibrium quantity—are transacted. Likewise, if Yvonne (point Y) were compelled to sell her book to someone like Bob (point B), total surplus would also fall by $10, the difference between Yvonne’s cost ($35) and Bob’s willingness to pay ($25). This means that total surplus falls whenever more than 1000 used books are transacted. These two examples show that at market equilibrium, all mutually beneficial transactions—and only mutually beneficial transactions—occur.

Once again, this result doesn’t depend on which two students we pick: any student who would have sold the used book at the market equilibrium has a cost of $30 or less, and any student who would have purchased the used book at the market equilibrium has a willingness to pay of $30 or more. So preventing any sale that would have occurred in the market equilibrium necessarily reduces total surplus.

Finally, the committee might try to increase sales by forcing Yvonne, who would not have sold her used book at the market equilibrium, to sell it to someone like Bob, who would not have bought a used book at the market equilibrium. Because Yvonne’s cost is $35, but Bob is only willing to pay $25, this transaction reduces total surplus by $10. And once again it doesn’t matter which two students we pick—anyone who wouldn’t have bought the used book has a willingness to pay of less than $30, and anyone who wouldn’t have sold has a cost of more than $30.

The key point to remember is that once this market is in equilibrium, there is no way to increase the gains from trade. Any other outcome reduces total surplus. (This is why the United Network for Organ Sharing, or UNOS, is trying, with its new guidelines based on “net benefit,” to reproduce the allocation of donated kidneys that would occur if there were a market for the organs.) We can summarize our results by stating that an efficient market performs four important functions:

  1. It allocates consumption of the good to the potential buyers who most value it, as indicated by the fact that they have the highest willingness to pay.

  2. It allocates sales to the potential sellers who most value the right to sell the good, as indicated by the fact that they have the lowest cost.

  3. It ensures that every consumer who makes a purchase values the good more than every seller who makes a sale, so that all transactions are mutually beneficial.

  4. It ensures that every potential buyer who doesn’t make a purchase values the good less than every potential seller who doesn’t make a sale, so that no mutually beneficial transactions are missed.

As a result of these four functions, any way of allocating the good other than the market equilibrium outcome lowers total surplus.

There are three caveats, however. First, although a market may be efficient, it isn’t necessarily fair. In fact, fairness, or equity, is often in conflict with efficiency. We’ll discuss this next.

The second caveat is that markets sometimes fail. As we mentioned in Chapter 1, under some well-defined conditions, markets can fail to deliver efficiency. When this occurs, markets no longer maximize total surplus. We provide a brief overview of why markets fail at the end of this chapter, reserving a more detailed analysis for later chapters.

Third, even when the market equilibrium maximizes total surplus, this does not mean that it results in the best outcome for every individual consumer and producer. All other things equal, each buyer would like to pay a lower price and each seller would like to receive a higher price. So if the government were to intervene in the market—say, by lowering the price below the equilibrium price to make consumers happy or by raising the price to make producers happy—the outcome would no longer be efficient. Although some people would be happier, total surplus would be lower.

Equity and Efficiency

For many patients who need kidney transplants, the proposed UNOS guidelines, covered earlier, will be unwelcome news. Those who have waited years for a transplant will no doubt find these guidelines, which give precedence to younger patients, unfair. And the guidelines raise other questions about fairness: Why limit potential transplant recipients to citizens? Why include younger patients with other chronic diseases? Why not give precedence to those who have made recognized contributions to society? And so on.

The point is that efficiency is about how to achieve goals, not what those goals should be. For example, UNOS decided that its goal is to maximize the lifespan of kidney recipients. Some might have argued for a different goal, and efficiency does not address which goal is the best. What efficiency does address is the best way to achieve a goal once that goal has been determined—in this case, using the UNOS concept of “net benefit.”

It’s easy to get carried away with the idea that markets are always right and that economic policies that interfere with efficiency are bad. But that would be misguided because there is another factor to consider: society cares about equity, or what’s “fair.”

As we discussed in Chapter 1, there is often a trade-off between equity and efficiency: policies that promote equity often come at the cost of decreased efficiency, and policies that promote efficiency often result in decreased equity. So it’s important to realize that a society’s choice to sacrifice some efficiency for the sake of equity, however it defines equity, is a valid one. And it’s important to understand that fairness, unlike efficiency, can be very hard to define. Fairness is a concept about which well-intentioned people often disagree.


eBay has been connecting buyers and sellers since 1995.

Without doubt, history books (or digital readers) will one day cite eBay, the online auction service, as one of the great innovations of the twentieth century. Founded in 1995, the company says that its mission is “to help practically anyone trade practically anything on earth.” It provides a way for would-be buyers and would-be sellers—sometimes of unique or used items—to find one another. And the gains from trade accruing to eBay users were evidently large: in 2012, eBay enabled $175 billion in commerce on its websites. In Canada, the most popular online classified services website is the eBay-owned Kijiji. At the time of writing, there were about 6 million classified listings. The kinds of listings range from used products such as books, video games, and electronics to specialized services such as child care and housekeeping.

And the online matching hasn’t stopped there. Websites are now popping up that allow people to rent out their personal possessions—items like cars, power tools, personal electronics, and spare bedrooms. Similar to what eBay did for buyers and sellers, these new websites provide a platform for renters and owners to find one another.

A recent article in The Globe and Mail describes how cottage owners in Ontario use websites such as Cottage Country Vacation Rentals (CottageCountry.com) to list their properties for holiday rentals. Mara Sofferin, vice-president of marketing at CottageCountry.com, said that the site helps to match cottage owners with the right cottage renters. Depending on the location and condition of a cottage, the site can fetch more than $1000 per week for participating cottage owners.

Judith Chevalier, a Yale School of Management economist says, “These companies let you wring a little bit of value out of … goods that are just sitting there.”

Cottage Country Vacation Rentals and companies like it are hoping that they can earn a nice return by helping you generate a little bit more surplus from your possessions.

Quick Review

  • Total surplus measures the gains from trade in a market.

  • Markets are efficient except under some well-defined special conditions. We can demonstrate the efficiency of a market by considering what happens to total surplus if we start from the equilibrium and reallocate consumption, reallocate sales, or change the quantity traded. Any outcome other than the market equilibrium reduces total surplus, which means that the market equilibrium is efficient.

  • Because society cares about equity, government intervention in a market that reduces efficiency while increasing equity can be justified.

Check Your Understanding 4-3


  1. Question 4.3

    Using the tables in Check Your Understanding 4-1 and 4-2, find the equilibrium price and quantity in the market for cheese-stuffed jalapeno peppers. What is total surplus in the equilibrium in this market, and who receives it?

The quantity demanded equals the quantity supplied at a price of $0.50, the equilibrium price. At that price, a total quantity of five peppers will be bought and sold. Casey will buy three peppers and receive consumer surplus of $0.40 on his first, $0.20 on his second, and $0.00 on his third pepper. Josey will buy two peppers and receive consumer surplus of $0.30 on her first and $0.10 on her second pepper. Total consumer surplus is therefore $1.00. Cara will supply three peppers and receive producer surplus of $0.40 on her first, $0.40 on her second, and $0.10 on her third pepper. Jamie will supply two peppers and receive producer surplus of $0.20 on his first and $0.00 on his second pepper. Total producer surplus is therefore $1.10. Total surplus in this market is therefore $1.00 + $1.10 = $2.10.

  1. Question 4.4

    Show how each of the following three actions reduces total surplus:

    1. Having Josey consume one fewer pepper, and Casey one more pepper, than in the market equilibrium

    2. Having Cara produce one fewer pepper, and Jamie one more pepper, than in the market equilibrium

    3. Having Josey consume one fewer pepper, and Cara produce one fewer pepper, than in the market equilibrium

  1. If Josey consumes one fewer pepper, she loses $0.60 (her willingness to pay for her second pepper); if Casey consumes one more pepper, he gains $0.30 (his willingness to pay for his fourth pepper). This results in an overall loss of consumer surplus of $0.60 − $0.30 = $0.30.

  2. Cara’s cost of the last pepper she supplied (the third pepper) is $0.40, and Jamie’s cost of producing one more (his third pepper) is $0.70. Total producer surplus therefore falls by $0.70 − $0.40 = $0.30.

  3. Josey’s willingness to pay for her second pepper is $0.60; this is what she would lose if she were to consume one fewer pepper. Cara’s cost of producing her third pepper is $0.40; this is what she would save if she were to produce one fewer pepper. If we therefore reduced quantity by one pepper, we would lose $0.60 − $0.40 = $0.20 of total surplus.

  1. Question 4.5

    Suppose UNOS alters its guidelines for the allocation of donated kidneys, no longer relying solely on the concept of “net benefit” but also giving preference to patients with small children. If “total surplus” in this case is defined to be the total lifespan of kidney recipients, is this new guideline likely to reduce, increase, or leave total surplus unchanged? How might you justify this new guideline?

The new guideline is likely to reduce the total life span of kidney recipients because older recipients (those with small children) are more likely to get a kidney compared to the original guideline. As a result, total surplus is likely to fall. However, this new policy can be justified as an acceptable sacrifice of efficiency for fairness because it’s a desirable goal to reduce the chance of a small child losing a parent.

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