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Notices and Graffiti Describe Life in Pompeii (First Century C.E.)
Among the remarkable features of the Roman Empire was its immense expanse and the many cities, both new and old, that dotted its landscape. The following messages, graffiti, and election notices from the Roman municipality of Pompeii illuminate the hustle and bustle of urban life in the first century of the empire. Located at the foot of Mount Vesuvius in southern Italy, Pompeii at the time was a thriving commercial city, with a fashionable resort nearby. In 79 C.E., Mount Vesuvius erupted, burying the city in cinders and ash. Although the local population was destroyed or fled, remarkably, the city’s buildings were preserved, as were hundreds of announcements painted in red on whitewashed walls, along with the scribbles of passersby. Here we see many facets of people’s daily lives within the empire, from political appeals to lovesick lamentations.
From Naphtali Lewis and Meyer Reinhold, eds., Roman Civilization: Selected Readings, 3rd ed., vol. 2 (New York: Columbia University Press, 1990), 126–27, 237–38, 276–78.
In the Arrius Pollio block owned by Gnaeus Alleius Nigidius Maius, to let from the fifteenth of next July, shops with their stalls, high-class second-story apartments, and a house. Prospective lessees may apply to Primus, slave of Gnaeus Alleius Nigidius Maius.
On the property owned by Julia Felix, daughter of Spurius, to let from the thirteenth of next August to the thirteenth of the sixth August hence, or five consecutive years, the elite Venus Baths, shops, stalls, and second-story apartments. Interested parties may apply to the lessor in the matter.
The fruit dealers together with Helvius Vestalis unanimously urge the election of Marcus Holconius Priscus as duovir1 with judicial power.
The goldsmiths unanimously urge the election of Gaius Cuspius Pansa as aedile.2
I ask you to elect Gaius Julius Polybius aedile. He gets good bread [for us].
The muleteers urge the election of Gaius Julius Polybius as duovir.
The worshippers of Isis unanimously urge the election of Gnaeus Helvius Sabinus as aedile.
Proculus, make Sabinus aedile and he will do as much for you.
His neighbors urge you to elect Lucius Statius Receptus duovir with judicial power; he is worthy. Aemilius Celer, a neighbor, wrote this. May you take sick if you maliciously erase this!
Satia and Petronia support and ask you to elect Marcus Casellius and Lucius Albucius aediles. May we always have such citizens in our colony!
I ask you to elect Epidius Sabinus duovir with judicial power. He is worthy, a defender of the colony, and in the opinion of the respected judge Suedius Clemens and by agreement of the council, because of his services and uprightness, worthy of the municipality. Elect him!
If upright living is considered any recommendation, Lucretius Fronto is well worthy of the office.
Genialis urges the election of Bruttius Balbus as duovir. He will protect the treasury.
I ask you to elect Marcus Cerrinius Vatia to the aedileship. All the late drinkers support him. Florus and Fructus wrote this.
The petty thieves support Vatia for the aedileship.
I ask you to elect Aulus Vettius Firmus aedile. He is worthy of the municipality. I ask you to elect him, ballplayers. Elect him!
I wonder, O wall, that you have not fallen in ruins from supporting the stupidities of so many scribblers.3
Twenty pairs of gladiators of Decimus Lucretius Satrius Valens, life-time flamen4 of Nero son of Caesar Augustus, and ten pairs of gladiators of Decimus Lucretius Valens, his son, will fight at Pompeii on April 8, 9, 10, 11, 12. There will be a full card of wild beast combats, and awnings [for the spectators]. Aemilius Celer [painted this sign], all alone in the moonlight.
Market days: Saturday in Pompeii, Sunday in Nuceria, Monday in Atella, Tuesday in Nola, Wednesday in Cumae, Thursday in Puteoli, Friday in Rome.
6th: cheese 1, bread 8, oil 3, wine 35
7th: bread 8, oil 5, onions 5, bowl 1, bread for the slave[?] 2, wine 2
8th: bread 8, bread for the slave[?] 4, grits 3
9th: wine for the winner 1 denarius, bread 8, wine 2, cheese 2
10th: . . . 1 denarius, bread 2, for women 8, wheat 1 denarius, cucumber 1, dates 1, incense 1, cheese 2, sausage 1, soft cheese 4, oil 7
Pleasure says: “You can get a drink here for an as, a better drink for two, Falernian6 for four.
A copper pot is missing from this shop. 65 sesterces reward if anybody brings it back, 20 sesterces if he reveals the thief so we can get our property back.
The weaver Successus loves the innkeeper’s slave girl, Iris by name. She doesn’t care for him, but he begs her to take pity on him. Written by his rival. So long.
[Answer by the rival:] Just because you’re bursting with envy, don’t pick on a handsomer man, a lady-killer and a gallant.
[Answer by the first writer:] There’s nothing more to say or write. You love Iris, who doesn’t care for you.
Take your lewd looks and flirting eyes off another man’s wife, and show some decency on your face!
Anybody in love, come here. I want to break Venus’s ribs with a club and cripple the goddess’ loins. If she can pierce my tender breast, why can’t I break her head with a club?
I write at Love’s dictation and Cupid’s instruction;
But damn it! I don’t want to be a god without you.
[A prostitute’s sign:] I am yours for two asses cash.
Based on these messages and notices, how would you describe life in Pompeii? What did the city look like?
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points: 10
What are some of the things people did for a living?
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points: 10
What do the election announcements reveal about the residents’ political expectations and their role in local politics?
accept_blank_answers: true
points: 10