6. The Faithful Vassal

The Faithful Vassal

Fulbert of Chartres, Letter to William of Aquitaine (1020)

Fragmented and under attack by outsiders, post-Carolingian Europe looked very different from the empire Charlemagne had envisioned. Counts and other local elites relied less on the king for new lands and offices and more on their own resources and networks. The glue binding these networks together was the notion of “fealty” by which local lords secured the personal loyalty and dependency of others, their “faithful men” (vassals). Duke William of Aquitaine, a very powerful lord in France who ruled from c. 995 to 1030, often found himself in conflict with his vassals. To clarify his and their obligations, he asked Fulbert, bishop of Chartres, to advise him on the matter. Fulbert’s letter, written in 1020 and reproduced in full here, shows that many of the obligations were, like the Ten Commandments, negative ones.

From Translations and Reprints from the Original Sources of European History, vol. 4, no. 3 (Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1898), 23–24.

To William most glorious duke of the Aquitanians, bishop Fulbert the favor of his prayers.

Asked to write something concerning the form of fealty, I have noted briefly for you on the authority of the books the things which follow. He who swears fealty to his lord ought always to have these six things in memory; what is harmless, safe, honorable, useful, easy, practicable. Harmless, that is to say that he should not be injurious to his lord in his body; safe, that he should not be injurious to him in his secrets or in the defenses through which he is able to be secure; honorable, that he should not be injurious to him in his justice or in other matters that pertain to his honor; useful, that he should not be injurious to him in his possessions; easy or practicable, that that good which his lord is able to do easily, he make not difficult, nor that which is practicable he make impossible to him.

However, that the faithful vassal should avoid these injuries is proper, but not for this does he deserve his holding; for it is not sufficient to abstain from evil, unless what is good is done also. It remains, therefore, that in the same six things mentioned above he should faithfully counsel and aid his lord, if he wishes to be looked upon as worthy of his benefice and to be safe concerning the fealty which he has sworn.

The lord also ought to act toward his faithful vassal reciprocally in all these things. And if he does not do this he will be justly considered guilty of bad faith, just as the former, if he should be detected in the avoidance of or the doing of or the consenting to them, would be perfidious and perjured.

I would have written to you at greater length, if I had not been occupied with many other things, including the rebuilding of our city and church which was lately entirely consumed in a great fire; from which loss though we could not for a while be diverted, yet by the hope of the comfort of God and of you we breathe again.


  1. According to Fulbert, what are the mutual duties of vassals and lords?


    According to Fulbert, what are the mutual duties of vassals and lords?
    accept_blank_answers: true
    points: 10

    According to Fulbert, what are the mutual duties of vassals and lords?
  2. What do these duties reveal about the basis of local rule in post-Carolingian society?


    What do these duties reveal about the basis of local rule in post-Carolingian society?
    accept_blank_answers: true
    points: 10

    What do these duties reveal about the basis of local rule in post-Carolingian society?
  3. What does the fact that William of Aquitaine asked a bishop for advice suggest about the relationship between secular and religious authorities at the time?


    What does the fact that William of Aquitaine asked a bishop for advice suggest about the relationship between secular and religious authorities at the time?
    accept_blank_answers: true
    points: 10

    What does the fact that William of Aquitaine asked a bishop for advice suggest about the relationship between secular and religious authorities at the time?