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  1. How are Zlata Filipovič’s experiences reflected in Amartya Sen’s warning against dividing the world into discrete civilizations?


    How are Zlata Filipovič’s experiences reflected in Amartya Sen’s warning against dividing the world into discrete civilizations?
    accept_blank_answers: true
    points: 10

    How are Zlata Filipovič’s experiences reflected in Amartya Sen’s warning against dividing the world into discrete civilizations?
  2. What are the similarities between the end of communism in eastern Europe (Chapter 28) and the end of apartheid in South Africa? What are the differences?


    What are the similarities between the end of communism in eastern Europe (Chapter 28) and the end of apartheid in South Africa? What are the differences?
    accept_blank_answers: true
    points: 10

    What are the similarities between the end of communism in eastern Europe (Chapter 28) and the end of apartheid in South Africa? What are the differences?
  3. What comparisons can be made between the European Union’s expansion and energy objectives and China’s preparations for the 2008 Summer Olympic Games? In what ways do they reflect each region’s efforts to redefine its role in the twenty-first century?


    What comparisons can be made between the European Union’s expansion and energy objectives and China’s preparations for the 2008 Summer Olympic Games? In what ways do they reflect each region’s efforts to redefine its role in the twenty-first century?
    accept_blank_answers: true
    points: 10

    What comparisons can be made between the European Union’s expansion and energy objectives and China’s preparations for the 2008 Summer Olympic Games? In what ways do they reflect each region’s efforts to redefine its role in the twenty-first century?
  4. Compare Amartya Sen’s vision of finding harmony in the “plurality of our identities” to the Truth and Reconciliation Committee’s goals for attaining national unity and reconciliation in South Africa.


    Compare Amartya Sen’s vision of finding harmony in the “plurality of our identities” to the Truth and Reconciliation Committee’s goals for attaining national unity and reconciliation in South Africa.
    accept_blank_answers: true
    points: 10

    Compare Amartya Sen’s vision of finding harmony in the “plurality of our identities” to the Truth and Reconciliation Committee’s goals for attaining national unity and reconciliation in South Africa.