Case 15: Identifying the Best-of-the-Best Job-Search Sites

In your senior seminar course in your major, one of the guest speakers is Amelia Lundgren, director of the Career Center. In her presentation, Amelia discusses the services offered by the Career Center, focusing on techniques students can use to increase their chances of securing the right job when they graduate. At the end of the presentation, she asks students to get in touch with her if they have any suggestions about ways to improve the services that the Career Center offers.

Because you aren’t familiar with the Career Center, you decide to visit its website. In addition to offering information for potential employers about how to list jobs and interview students and information for students about how to write résumés and application letters, the site offers a brief discussion about using Internet sites in the job search (see Document 15.1).

You send Amelia Lundgren an email saying, in part, that although you appreciate the advice about the Internet, you think there is more to be said about finding online information on conducting a job search. “There’s so much out there that it’s kind of intimidating. There are stripped-down job-search engines, such as Indeed; social-networking sites, like Facebook; full-featured job boards with lots of resources, like Monster,” you write in your email. “I don’t know where to start.”

Later that afternoon, you get a call from Amelia Lundgren. “You’re absolutely right,” she says. “We need to help students map the territory. Any interest in working on the project? I’d be happy to help you set up an internship so you can get credit for it.”

Download the document below, and then begin your assignment.

pdf document Download a copy of Document 15.1.

Your Assignment

Once you’ve familiarized yourself with the case background and document, complete the assignment below. Your instructor will tell you how he or she would like you to submit your work.

  1. 1. Write a 500-word memo to Amelia Lundgren in which you “map” the online job-search territory. Following up on your comments in the email message you sent her, describe the three basic categories of sites: simple job-search engines, social-networking sites, and full-featured boards with resources. For each of these three categories of sites, what are the main audience and purpose? What are three of the most popular sites in each of the three categories?

  2. 2. Select one of the categories of sites that you described in the memo prepared for Assignment 1. For that category, write a one-page introduction, addressed to seniors at your college or university, explaining the category and profiling the top three sites in that category. What are the main differences among the three sites? Comment on how easy each one is to use and how effective you think each would be for students at your college or university. What resources would you consult to start to learn how to use each site? Design your one-page introduction so that it is attractive and easy to use. If appropriate, use tables and include graphics and links. Because Amelia Lundgren might want to make your introduction available as a handout on the Career Center website, save it as a PDF file.

Reflecting on Your Work

Once you’ve completed your assignment, write a reflection about your work using the prompt below.

1 of 1

Set the introduction you created aside for a while and then return to it, trying to review it as objectively as you reviewed the information you initially encountered on the Career Center’s website. What are the strengths of having this information available as a primarily text-based document? What are the weaknesses? Imagine instead that you decided to develop a video version of the introduction. In a paragraph or two, outline how you would present this information as a video. Be sure to consider both visual and audio components. How does your video outline address some of the weaknesses you find in the text-based document? Does the video outline introduce any new potential weaknesses the print document would not contain?