Check Your Steps! Make Every Injection Safe (3:45), One & Only Campaign [RECOMMENDATIONS PRESENTED IN A VIDEO]

This video was created by the One & Only Campaign, which is a joint project of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Safe Injection Practices Coalition (SIPC). The CDC provides information for medical professionals and for the general public. This video is directed toward health-care providers and others who perform injections.

After watching the video, answer the questions below and submit your response.


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Why present these recommendations in a video rather than in written form? What are the advantages and disadvantages of the video format?

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Whether it is for a speech, a written report, or a video, the introductory section needs to provide important background information. What background information does the first section of this video (0:01–0:30) provide?

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Many experts recommend that the introduction to a written report identify the content that is to come in the subsequent sections. Some call this an advance organizer. Advance organizers are especially important when the audience is listening and does not have a transcript or an outline to follow. Write a sentence or two that could serve as an advance organizer for this video.