Analyzing a Graphic

This diagram is from a government report. The questions below ask you to think about diagrams, as discussed in this chapter.

This graphic has a circular logo for Defense Intelligence Agency, United States of America, in the center. Type is in yellow, and the earth is in green. The remainder of the design uses red, white, and blue. Around the logo are five 'pie slices,' labeled and colored as follows: Technology (green), Process (yellow), Structure (blue), People (red), and Strategy (brown). The colors in the pie slices are gradients, darker at the outside than the inside. The main title of the graphic is 'Context for Change.' The subtitle is 'Future Environment.' Under the graphic, the following text is set: 'The graphic above illustrates the components of change that the Defense Intelligence Agency will consider as it empbraces tranformation. In the sections that follow, we discuss each component in turn, beginning with the Future Environment, progressing around the circle and ending with Recommendations.'

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This design resembles a pie chart, but it does not have the same function as a pie chart. What message does this design communicate? Is it effective?

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Do the colors communicate any information, or are they merely decorative? If you think they are decorative, would you revise the design to change them in any way?

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What does the phrase “Future Environment,” above the graphic, mean? Is it meant to refer only to the “Technology” and “Process” shapes?

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Is the explanation below the graphic clear? Would you change it in any way?