TABLE 3.1. Four methods for resolving impasses

Method Advantages Disadvantages
Consensus: Discuss the issue until everyone agrees.
  • The team will reach the best possible compromise.
  • The process is time-consuming.
  • The consensus may be “fake” — someone on the team may give in just so that the team can move on.
Majority rules: Vote and adopt the majority decision.
  • The impasse is resolved quickly.
  • The solution does not involve anyone outside the team.
  • Some team members may feel left out or that others are “ganging up” on them.
Instructor decides: Present both sides anonymously to the instructor and let him or her decide.
  • Feelings are unlikely to be hurt.
  • The team will have more information about what the instructor wants.
  • It takes time to contact the instructor and present both sides.
  • The instructor may not want to intervene.
Third party decides: Present both sides anonymously to a classmate, a client (if applicable), or another party and ask that person to decide.
  • Feelings are unlikely to be hurt.
  • It may take time to contact a third party and present the information.