TABLE 3.2. Methods for responding to a member who has produced unacceptable work

Method Advantages Disadvantages
Project manager says nothing: Project manager asks another team member to rewrite a section (or does it himself or herself) and says nothing to the person directly.
  • Avoids an unpleasant conversation
  • Resolves the issue quickly
  • May be appropriate if the final deadline is approaching and/or this is not the first time this person has produced unacceptable work
  • May be unfair to the person who produced the work, who doesn’t have a chance to learn from or correct his or her mistakes
  • Places an additional burden on the rest of the team
Project manager decides: Project manager reviews all work to see if it meets acceptability criteria; contacts anyone who produces unacceptable work; and gives that person suggestions for improvement and a 48-hour deadline to revise.
  • Gives the person a chance to correct mistakes
  • Enables quick notification that the work was unacceptable
  • Places the entire burden on the project manager
Team decides: All team members review the work and e-mail the project manager, who then communicates the concerns (without mentioning names) to the person with a 24-hour deadline to revise.
  • Avoids burdening the project manager with sole responsibility for deciding whether something is acceptable
  • Makes the feedback anonymous (the person does not know who found the work unacceptable)
  • May take longer to notify the person of the team’s concerns