
CHAPTER 1: Introduction to Technical Communication

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CHAPTER 2: Understanding Ethical and Legal Obligations

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CHAPTER 3: Writing Collaboratively

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CHAPTER 4: Analyzing Your Audience and Purpose

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CHAPTER 5: Researching Your Subject

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CHAPTER 6: Writing for Your Readers

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CHAPTER 7: Designing Print and Online Documents

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CHAPTER 8: Creating Graphics

Brockmann, R. J. (1990). Writing better computer user documentation: From paper to hypertext. New York, NY: Wiley.

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CHAPTER 9: Writing Correspondence

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CHAPTER 10: Writing Job-Application Materials

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CHAPTER 11: Writing Proposals

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CHAPTER 13: Writing Recommendation Reports

Honold, P. (1999). Learning how to use a cellular phone: Comparison between German and Chinese users. Technical Communication, 46 (2), 195–205.

CHAPTER 14: Writing Definitions, Descriptions, and Instructions

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CHAPTER 15: Making Oral Presentations

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