Part B: Editing and Proofreading Your Documents


This part of the Appendix contains advice on editing your documents for grammar, punctuation, and mechanics. If your organization or professional field has a style guide with different recommendations about grammar and usage, you should of course follow those guidelines.

Your instructor might use the following abbreviations to refer you to specific topics in the text and in this part of the Appendix.

Abbreviation Topic Abbreviation Topic
abbr abbreviation . period
adj adjective ! exclamation point
agr p/a pronoun-antecedent agreement ? question mark
agr s/v subject-verb agreement , comma
cap capitalization ; semicolon
comp comparison of items : colon
cs comma splice dash
frag sentence fragment ( ) parentheses
ital italics (underlining) - hyphen
num number apostrophe
ref ambiguous pronoun reference . . . ellipses
run run-on sentence < > angle brackets
t verb tense [ ] square brackets