In planning your recommendation report, did you
analyze your audience?
determine your purpose?
identify the questions that need to be answered?
carry out appropriate research?
draw valid conclusions about the results (if appropriate)?
formulate recommendations based on the conclusions (if appropriate)?
Does the transmittal letter
clearly state the title and, if necessary, the subject and purpose of the report?
clearly state who authorized or commissioned the report?
acknowledge any assistance you received?
establish a courteous and professional tone?
Does the cover include
the title of the report?
your name and position?
the date of submission?
the company name or logo?
Does the title page
include a title that clearly states the subject and purpose of the report?
list your name and position and those of your principal reader(s)?
include the date of submission of the report and any other identifying information?
Does the abstract
list the report title, your name, and any other identifying information?
clearly define the problem or opportunity that led to the project?
briefly describe (if appropriate) the research methods?
summarize the major results, conclusions, and recommendations?
Does the table of contents
contain a sufficiently detailed breakdown of the major sections of the body of the report?
reproduce the headings as they appear in your report?
include page numbers?
Does the list of illustrations (or list of tables or list of figures) include all the graphics found in the body of the report?
Does the executive summary
clearly state the problem or opportunity that led to the project?
explain the major results, conclusions, recommendations, and managerial implications of your report?
avoid technical vocabulary and concepts that a managerial audience is not likely to be interested in?
Does the introduction
explain the subject of the report?
explain the purpose of the report?
explain the background of the report?
describe your sources of information?
indicate the scope of the report?
briefly summarize the most significant findings of the project?
briefly summarize your recommendations?
explain the organization of the report?
define key terms used in the report?
Does the methods section
describe your methods in sufficient detail?
justify your methods where necessary, explaining, for instance, why you chose one method over another?
Are the results presented
without interpretation?
Are the conclusions
presented clearly?
drawn logically from the results?
Are the recommendations
stated politely?
in an appropriate form (list or paragraph)?
in an appropriate location?
Does the glossary include definitions of all the technical terms your readers might not know?
Does the list of symbols include all the symbols and abbreviations your readers might not know?
Does the list of references include all your sources and adhere to an appropriate documentation system?
Do the appendixes include supporting materials that are too bulky to present in the report body or that are of interest to only a small number of your readers?