Ch. 10: Additional Case 1

Protecting Your Privacy in Online Job Applications

This case is best for groups.


You and the other members of your group are working for your college or university’s career-placement service. Your supervisor, Kenneth Merton, has come to you for help. “We want to add more information to our site about the privacy dangers of posting an online résumé to an employment service,” he tells you. “Could you write a brief description of the major privacy problems, then search the Internet for information about privacy problems and give me an annotated list of the best five sources of information?”

For this case, you will write a brief description of the major privacy issues related to online job applications, then present an annotated list of the five best sites with information on this issue.

Your Assignment

To complete this assignment, perform the following tasks:

  1. Study Chapter 10 on job-application materials, concentrating on the discussion of writing résumés. Also study the discussion of privacy issues on the Riley Guide. Search the Internet for additional discussions by using keywords such as “privacy,” “job application,” and “résumé.”

  2. Write a one-page description of the privacy issues related to online job applications, as well as a list of the five sites most helpful in describing the issues and explaining how to avoid privacy problems. Write a one-paragraph description of each site.

  3. Submit a 500-word memo to Mr. Merton in which you describe the privacy issues and attach the annotated list of relevant sites. (See Chapter 9 for a discussion of memos.)

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