Ch. 10: Additional Case 2-DELETED

Investigating Your Future Profession


One of the professors in your major, Marjorie Banks, has been asked to make a presentation to a local high school explaining what professionals in your field do. She has asked you to draft a one-page handout describing websites that students can consult to learn more about professions in your field.

In this case, you will identify and analyze sites about your field and then describe each of them in a paragraph.

Your Assignment

To complete this assignment, perform the following tasks:

  1. Study Chapter 10 on job-application materials.

  2. Start your study with the U.S. Department of Labor’s Occupational Outlook Handbook, which provides a useful introduction to many professions.

  3. Create a one-page handout that describes the five most important sites for high-school students to study to understand more about one of the professions in your field. Devote one paragraph to each site, describing the person or organization that sponsors the site, the major kinds of information found there, and tips on how to use it. Mention any useful sets of links on any of the sites.

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