Ch. 10: Additional Case 2

Updating Career-Center Materials


The members of your group are student interns in the career center at your school. The director of the center, William Karey, would like your group to assist him in updating the materials he distributes to students looking for work. “What I’d like you to do,” he tells you, “is take a look at what’s out there on the web and integrate it with what we already have on résumés and job letters.”

Your Assignment

If possible, secure an electronic copy of available materials from your school’s career center. Then search the web for additional information about résumés and job-application letters. Is the information from the web consistent with the information from the career center? Which sources on the web seem to be most useful to students at your school? Decide whether you should integrate the new information with the material the career center already distributes, put part or all of the new information on the school’s website, or both. Regardless of your ultimate decision, submit your findings in a memo addressed to Mr. Karey, and include a copy of the existing materials and a copy of the new materials.

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