Suggested Responses to Additional Exercises and Cases for Chapter 10: Writing Job-Application Materials

Suggested Response to “Protecting Your Privacy in Online Job Applications”

The major privacy issues related to online job applications include the following:

Suggested Response to “Updating Career-Center Materials”

Responses will vary depending on the materials already available through your school’s career center. Students will find many hundreds of useful sites just by searching on keywords such as “résumé tips” and “job letters.” Another valuable resource is other college and university career center websites, many of which have lists of links. Whether students decide to integrate new information with information already on their career center’s site depends on the quality and scope of the career center’s existing information. If the existing information is incomplete or outdated, students might decide, in effect, to start over.

Suggested Response to “Identifying Transferable Skills for a Career Changer”

1. Sample email:



Subject: Links to Sites Discussing Transferable Skills


I enjoyed talking with you yesterday. As promised, I located a few resources on the Internet that describe the concept of transferable skills. Below I list four resources and provide a one-paragraph summary for each resource. If you have questions, let me know.

Supported by the Wall Street Journal, this site offers job-hunting and interviewing advice. I recommend you use the article-search feature to locate and then read “How to Paint Your Career Out of a Corner,” by Eva Hale Leighton. The author covers topics such as corporate culture, selling yourself, and highlighting accomplishments. Also read “Do You Have What It Takes to Change Careers?” by Freda G. Turner.

Featured on Quintessential Careers, a career-development site, this article offers “a complete collection of transferable job skills resources for job-seekers and career-changers.” This article features several links to additional resources. You might find “Transferable Skills Sets” useful as you revise your résumé to include applicable skills from teaching to transfer to your next career.

On, you can read an article on how to identify and use transferable skills. You might also find useful the links to a transferable skills worksheet and other career-change resources.

I recommend you check out the major online job boards such as Monster, CareerBuilder, and Yahoo! HotJobs for career advice. I found several interesting articles on career changing on “Career-Change Résumés” by Kim Isaacs, for example, discusses how to revise your résumé to highlight your new career objective and key qualifications.

Good luck,

[your name]

2. Sample résumé:

Mercedes Viana

927 Emerald Street

Boise, ID 83704


Professional Profile

Versatile professional with expertise in statistical analysis and communicating technical concepts. Solid background and graduate training in mathematics and computer programming. Adaptable and effective in high-demand, constantly changing environments. Excellent interpersonal, communication, and organizational skills.



Mathematics Education, State University of New York at Albany, December 2010.

GPA 3.96.


Mathematics, Minor in Economics, State University of New York at Albany, Academic Excellence in Mathematics Award, May 2009.

Overall GPA 3.66, Major GPA 3.78.

Communication Skills

  • Communicated with parents, teachers, and administration daily via email, phone, and written correspondence.

  • Generated written reports on student progress with curriculum recommendations and presented this material to administration and parents.

  • Designed material to address the needs of approximately 80 diverse adult learners.

  • Wrote reports to district administration on innovative plans to include multicultural material in the traditional math classroom.

Technical Skills

  • MS Office Software: Word, Excel, PowerPoint.

  • Statistics and Database Software: SAS, Maple V, Access.

  • Programming Languages: C#, C++, Java, Fortran.

Management Skills

  • Developed project plan for academic year, adjusting approach based on student progress data. Provided instruction, written and oral feedback, maintained progress records, and supervised activities of over 120 students daily.

  • Supervised three cheerleading squads of 20 students. Directed two coaches, practice and event scheduling, and fund-raising opportunities.

  • Worked with multidisciplinary team to create material addressing Virginia Standards of Learning objectives.


Boise City Schools, Mathematics Teacher, Boise, ID, 2016–Present.

Boise State University, Adjunct Faculty, Mathematics, Boise, ID, 2015–Present.

Rockingham County Schools, Mathematics Teacher, Bridgewater, VA, 2012–2014.

Pulaski Technical College, Instructor, N. Little Rock, AR, 2011–2012.

Pulaski County School District, Mathematics Teacher, Little Rock, AR, 2010–2013.

SUNY Albany, School of Education, Computer Consultant, NY, 2006–2010.


Available upon request.

3. Sample job-application letter:

927 Emerald Street

Boise, ID 83704

May 12, 2016

Ms. Roberta Klein

Director of Actuarial Services

Gold Star Consulting

P.O. Box 2233

Boise, ID 83704

Dear Ms. Klein:

I am writing in response to your advertised position for Actuarial Analyst in the May 7 Idaho Statesman. I would like to be considered for the position. While my résumé will provide you with a general outline of my mathematics background, my technology skills, and my employment history, I have included a list of your specific requirements and my applicable skills in those areas.

Your Requirements My Skills
1. Bachelor’s Degree 1. MA in Mathematics Education (2010) and BA in Mathematics with minor in Economics (2009).
2. College-Level Mathematics 2. Successfully taught Precalculus, Calculus, and Finite Mathematics (linear programming and statistics) at high school and college levels. Also completed National Teacher Training Institute and Teachers Teaching with Technology Statistics Institute.
3. Proficiency in Database and Statistical Software 3. Experience using statistical software such as SAS as well as database software such as Access. International Society for Technology in Education Certified.
4. General Keyboard Skills 4. Computer consultant for SUNY Albany. Programming experience as well as proficiency in MS Office.
5. Analytical Skills 5. Successfully completed undergraduate and graduate courses in statistics, engineering, and computer programming. Used assessment data to develop and revise curriculum that met state and national standards.
6. Detail Oriented 6. Experience preparing, recording, analyzing, and communicating assessment information for approximately 125 students each semester.
7. Ability to Communicate Highly Technical Issues Orally and in Writing 7. Over ten years of experience teaching technical material to nonexperts. Experience preparing typical workplace documents such as formal reports, business correspondence, proposals, and web pages.

I believe my solid background in mathematics combined with my technology experience would enable me to make an immediate contribution toward the success of Gold Star Consulting as an actuarial analyst. Should you seek any additional information or materials, please let me know at or at 208-555-1510. I would welcome the opportunity to speak with you about this position.


Mercedes Viana

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