Ch. 12: Additional Exercise 4

Revising a Set of Meeting Minutes

You and another student are co-chairs of the Associated Student Organization (ASO) at your college. Student organizations that receive university funding, including the ASO, are required to submit formal minutes of each of their meetings. You have been approached by the dean of students, who oversees student organizations. The dean is concerned that ASO minutes are unprofessional and could reflect poorly on the organization. The dean has asked you to revise the most recent set of minutes (the one you see printed here) and attach a memo describing the changes you have made and explaining your decisions. Submit to your instructor the revised minutes, along with the memo. (See Chapter 9 for a discussion of memos.)

Minutes of the Associated Student Organization

May 13, 2016

The meeting began at 3:10, even though it was scheduled to begin at 3:00. We had to wait for enough people to come to constitute a quorum.

The first issue we discussed was the proposed raise in fees for the General Parking Permit. This year it is $15, which it has been for the last six years. The university’s plan to raise it to $30 is unreasonable, especially given the 8% increase in tuition and the 12% increase in dormitory fees. A resolution was passed unanimously to protest this increase.

The discussion turned next to the lineup for next semester’s musical events. Bob commented that there were too many country acts, and not enough alternative acts. He said, “A little country goes a long way.” Marty got insulted at this and replied, “What do you want, some idiot in leather who spits up fake blood?” He added that country acts are popular with the whole community, whereas a lot of the alternative acts draw very poorly. With the current policy of up-front deposits required by Elite Productions, we have to be sure we don’t book any weak acts, which could deplete our whole budget for the year. Bob said he didn’t mean to be insulting about country acts, and the two agreed to keep talking about the issue.

The meeting adjourned at 4:15.

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