Ch. 15: Additional Case 1

A Presentation on Presentation Graphics

This case is best for groups.


Your group has been asked to make a set of presentation graphics—on the topic of presentation graphics—to deliver to your class. Your purpose is to explain the principles of effective presentation graphics, as well as the steps in creating an effective set of presentation graphics. The presentation should be about 15 minutes long.

Your Assignment

Follow these steps to carry out this assignment.

  1. Read Chapter 15 of the text, focusing on the section on preparing presentation graphics.

  2. Conduct an Internet search to find relevant information that you can incorporate into your presentation. (Don’t forget to search the Microsoft website for any good advice offered there.)

  3. If you have access to software such as Microsoft PowerPoint, use it to create your presentation graphics. (See the tutorial “Creating Presentations with PowerPoint and Prezi” on LaunchPad.) Also print a handout copy of the slides. If you do not have access to one of these programs, you can use a word processor to create text that you can turn into transparencies.

  4. If your instructor asks you to, deliver the presentation. If your class has access to a computer projector, present your graphics as slides. If your class does not, present them as transparencies.

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