Two Audiences, One Subject
Form small groups for this project on audience. Choose two articles on the same subject, one from a general-
What is the likely background of the article’s audience? Does the article require that the reader have specialized knowledge?
What is the author’s purpose? In other words, what is the article intended to accomplish?
How do the differences in audience and purpose affect the following elements in the article?
scope and organization
sentence length and structure
number and type of graphics
references within the articles and at the end
headings and white space
Meet with the other members of your group to discuss your analyses of the two articles. Do you agree more in your analyses of the general-
compares and contrasts the two articles in terms of the authors’ assessment of the writing situation
describes and analyzes the differences in each group member’s analysis
Submit the two articles (or photocopies) along with your memo. (See Chapter 6 for a discussion of comparison and contrast and Chapter 9 for a discussion of memos.)