Creating a Website
This case is best for small groups.
You and the other members of your group have learned that a student organization to which you belong is making space available on its server for a website. Create a site. (For this case, you do not actually have to put the site on the web; you can create it and test it on a computer that has a browser installed on it.) Follow these steps:
Analyze your audience and purpose. Who will view the site, and what do you hope to achieve with the site?
Gather or generate your text and other information. If you do not have a sufficient amount of information available in digital format, you can still proceed with building the site.
Design the site. What sort of design is appropriate for the information you wish to communicate and the needs of your audience?
Convert the text and graphics. What sorts of tools are most useful for the conversion process?
Revise and test the information. Other students in the class might help you test the site.
Keep a log of the activities each group member has carried out. Be prepared to describe your experiences in an oral presentation to the class. (For advice about preparing oral presentations, see Chapter 15.) Which tasks were easy to accomplish? Which were difficult? What surprised you about the process? How satisfied are you with the finished product?