Ch. 8: Additional Case 1

Evaluating Graphics Made in a Spreadsheet Program

This case is best for groups.


You and the other members of your group work at Microsoft in the documentation group for Excel. Your boss, Alan Winston, has written you a memo about revising the spreadsheet software. In the memo, he notes, “We’ve gotten some complaints about the charting function in Excel. Some users are unhappy that we don’t offer them any help in choosing the kind of chart that works best for different kinds of information and readers.” He wants your group to take a look at the charting function, focusing on the help available. “What kind of instruction do you think we could add that would help our users?” he writes. “Show me an example for one of the chart types, such as bar graphs or line graphs.”

Your Assignment

To complete this assignment, perform the following tasks:

  1. Study Chapter 8, focusing on choosing the appropriate kind of graphic.

  2. Study the chart wizard in Excel, and consider the following questions:

    • Does the software indicate what each graphic does best?

    • Does the software explain how to choose the best graphic for presenting your information?

    • Does the software explain when to use three-dimensional graphs?

  3. Write a 500-word memo to Winston, including a sample of the kind of help that you think could be incorporated into the software. (See Chapter 9 for a discussion of memos.)

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