Chapter 1. Diagnostic Quiz Prototype

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My Slide Activities
You must read each slide, and complete any questions on the slide, in sequence.

Read each sentence carefully. If there is a grammar or punctuation error in any of the underlined parts of each sentence, select the corresponding choice. If there is no error, select "No error."


The poets remark about the longevity of things of beauty did not take into account the effects of such phenomena as acid rain.

Philip, unlike the thousands of students who live on campus, has to drive thirty miles each day to reach the university.

Five refugee families have arrived in our small town and their delight in our peaceful lives makes me happy that we decided to invite them.

Mikhail Gorbachev, who took office in 1985 was forced to step down after the failed coup attempt in 1991.

The blue jays that like to eat bread off our porch, were chased away by our cat.

The following sentences each have one underlined segment. Below each sentence are four ways of writing the underlined part. If the underlined segment is correct, choose "No change." If the underlined segment needs to be corrected, choose the best way to write the underlined part.


Important structural damage often appears first in small signs. A half-destroyed joist, for example, may reveal itself by a single carpenter ant.

Before the coach would accept our apologies, we had to convince him that we had ran five laps of the track.

My sister's vacation routine never varied; she always basked in the sun for an hour before she helped set up camp.

At Hillary's summer camp, the major activity for both the staff and the campers was backpacking in the mountains.

After working feverishly to capture the prosecution's cross-examination, the new photographer's film was not accepted by the television station.

This ACES course report compares this group of students to the norm; it shows the percentages of students with low (0-25%), moderate(26-75%), or high (76-100%) percentile ranks for each scale.


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