NOTE: If your instructor has not yet assigned this quiz via the assignments feature, do not take this quiz without first consulting your instructor. You can take this quiz only once. Taking this quiz without your instructor assigning it will affect whether you receive proper credit for it in the gradebook.
This quiz is designed to test how well you understand a range of key topics. After you complete the test, you’ll be able to see a report that shows you how well you performed, broken down by topic, to help you practice particular skills more efficiently.
If any of the underlined segments has an error, select the answer option that IDENTIFIES the error. If no segments have an error, select “No error.”
Question 1 The poets remark about the longevity of things of beauty did not take into account the effects of such phenomena as acid rain. Angela, like many people who drive to work, tries to park underground during winter storms. Five refugee families have arrived in our small town and their delight in our peaceful lives makes me happy that we decided to invite them. Mikhail Gorbachev, who took office in 1985 was forced to step down after a failed coup attempt in 1991. The blue jays that like to eat bread off our porch, were chased away by our cat. After age sixty, many Americans find they must adjust to: misplacing important papers, forgetting people’s names, gaining hard-to-lose pounds, and trying to convince themselves that these problems are perfectly normal. It’s no wonder that George and him failed physics; both devoted all their time to sports, not schoolwork. Us faculty members have to agree among ourselves on how we want the deans to change their timetable. There is moments when parents realize that they have learned many lessons, not only about the children but also about themselves. Whenever a dust storm blew in, people drug all their porch furniture inside and drove the horses and cows into the barn.
Question 2
Question 3
Question 4
Question 5
Question 6
Question 7
Question 8
Question 9
Question 10
If any of the underlined segments has an error, select the answer option that IDENTIFIES the error. If no segments have an error, select “No error.”
Question 11 As Janice quietly thumbed through the newspaper; Deeter prepared a hearty breakfast; the dog eagerly consumed the scraps of bacon that Deeter dropped on the newly waxed floor. Coach Blake, who ran for the first-aid kit, yelled at Mark to call 911 at once. And told me to cover Kendall with my jacket. Marian Anderson said that life had taught her to obey her own rules, to forget past injustices, to sing her very best, and the importance of acting. Students can go to the site, enter their passwords, and they can answer practice questions as often as they like. Only after Jane lay in the sun for a while did she notice her sunscreen lying on the blanket next to her. We are counting on each team that goes to the tournament to do their best on the court. Three managers in our shop liked my proposal very much, but not one of them said they would be a sponsor for it at the staff meeting. Liz, like many people who do not own a car, has difficulty carrying her groceries back to her apartment. After Jamie finished his solo cross-country flight, he was interviewed by several reporters and then he slept for fourteen hours. Many Europeans think that American politicians don’t accomplish hardly anything by their protracted congressional hearings.
Question 12
Question 13
Question 14
Question 15
Question 16
Question 17
Question 18
Question 19
Question 20
If any of the underlined segments has an error, select the answer option that IDENTIFIES the error. If no segments have an error, select “No error.”
Question 21 After only a week, the new Parts Department clerk could check inventory faster than anyone else. Because she had memorized a hundred code numbers. Joellyn activated the computer lab’s terminals. First she turned on the main switch; then she cleared all the screens. Finally, as she entered the code at the control terminal, she couldn’t suppress a grin. Twenty-seven screens flash a four-color “Welcome to the Lab” message. I expect to take my exam in October. Originally I had planned to take the exam in August, but I decided postponing it when I realized I would need more time to prepare. Even though she was taken the medicine, her fever rose throughout the afternoon and reached 103 degrees by evening. Although driving a truck can allow independent operators to set their own hours, but the work can be exhausting and the pay low.
Question 22
Question 23
Question 24
Question 25
If any of the underlined segments has an error, select the answer choice that CORRECTS the error. If there is no error, select “No change.”
If any of the underlined segments has an error, select the answer choice that CORRECTS the error. If there is no error, select “No change.”
Question 26 Important structural damage often appears first in small signs. A single carpenter ant, for example, may be evidence of a half-destroyed joist. Before the coach would accept our apologies, we had to convince him that we had ran five laps of the track. My sister’s vacation routine never varied; she always basked in the sun for an hour before she helped set up camp. At Hillary’s summer camp, the major activity for both the staff and the campers was backpacking in the mountains. The celebrity was surrounded by cell phones stumbling out of a squad car. Steve’s mother-in-law only asked him to paint the porch windows, not the whole porch. An experienced player, putting all his expertise on the line to win this game. We lost the game because Nerida didn’t pass to Carlyle when Carlyle was under the net the coach had told us to get the ball to Carlyle whenever he could score. The first three sections of the foreign service examination raised my hopes considerably, the last section dashed them completely. Babies who cry a lot, their parents usually try feeding them whenever they cry.
Question 27
Question 28
Question 29
Question 30
Question 31
Question 32
Question 33
Question 34
Question 35
If any of the underlined segments has an error, select the answer choice that CORRECTS the error. If there is no error, select “No change.”
Question 36 In class, the boys at St. Andrew’s School had to wear suitcoats and starched shirts. The boys athletic uniforms were not much more comfortable. Nonsmokers often assume that smokers, who want to quit, can do so fairly easily. The sergeant ordered my best buddy and me to stand guard duty on our night off. Convinced of his client’s innocence, every possible tactic was used by the lawyer to delay the trial. After I graduated was not easy to gain the hands-on experience that I needed for my first job. Picture books are important to a child in three ways: to stimulate imagination, encouraging learning, and they are enjoyable. Thirty years ago, the mens’ and women’s dormitories were completely separate, but now men and women share the buildings and common spaces. He sat down to study, and before he got up again, he had wrote the whole first draft. The work was exciting, but she was exhausting by the end of the day. Anyone who has Mr. Markham for senior English knows on the first day that they will have a busy year ahead.
Question 37
Question 38
Question 39
Question 40
Question 41
Question 42
Question 43
Question 44
Question 45
If any of the underlined segments has an error, select the answer choice that CORRECTS the error. If there is no error, select “No change.”
Question 46 Volunteers visited homes and distributed pamphlets, in which explained how to use the new siren system. Before leaving the consultant must send the client the final reports and detailed recommendations for further action. During the debate, one candidate claimed that taxes were too high, for every taxpayer, and the other candidate argued that the middle class bore an unfair share of the tax burden. The store manager glared at the boys whom wandered in after school, expecting them to misbehave or steal his merchandise. Whenever the fire department plays the police softball team, they always win by at least five runs. Everyone must prepare adequately for the exam in order to receive the grade they want. Grapefruits, bananas, and oranges all go up in price after the recent hurricane destroyed many orchards. The director of those teen horror films want to attract a college audience to the new release. If the students would have completed their lab reports, theywould not have gotten such low grades in this class. If the fans had won the competition, they will be backstage right now.
Question 47
Question 48
Question 49
Question 50
Question 51
Question 52
Question 53
Question 54
Question 55
If any of the underlined segments has an error, select the answer choice that CORRECTS the error. If there is no error, select “No change.”
Question 56 During a heat wave, elderly people who do not have air conditioning can become dangerously dehydrated. Though the mission amazed and inspired people all over the world, its primary purpose was political, the United States wanted to be the first nation to put a man on the moon. When the city’s team won the Super Bowl, hordes of fans run into the street to celebrate. The social worker sympathized on the child’s situation. Cities in warmer climates are often unprepared for snowfall. An inch of snow causes no difficulties in Buffalo, but it can shut down Atlanta, closing roads and schools.
Question 57
Question 58
Question 59
Question 60
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Grammar Diagnostic B
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