Is Frequent Rage a Personality Disorder?
Author: Ronald J. Comer
Princeton University
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DSM-5 has suggested that a “dimensional” approach to the diagnosis of personality disorders should be considered for possible use in future revisions of DSM-5. In such an approach, the presence of a single, dysfunctional trait ― such as anger ― could result in a diagnosis of personality disorder if that trait caused severe impairment. This video focuses on the symptoms of and treatment for a man with intense and distressing anger. His angry outbursts, which typically occur when he is driving, are often followed by feelings of shame and regret. The video shows two sessions of anger management therapy.
1. Applying DSM-5’s "personality disorder trait specified" proposal, discussed in the textbook, the man in the video ______________.
2. Treatment for the man in the video ___________.
3. According to the textbook, which of the following personality disorders is most responsive to treatment?
4. Which of the following current categories of personality disorder might the man in the video qualify for?
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