Welcome to LaunchPad Solo for Acting Out Culture, Third Edition.
Here you will find the digital content that has been integrated into your print book. This includes:
Multimodal readings
Edudemic.com Anti-Bullying Public Service Announcement
Parents, pundits, and educators across the country have grown increasingly alarmed at the rate and range of bullying that occurs in American schools. This concern has resulted in a growing number of initiatives and organizations dedicated to raising public awareness about this issue. Edudemic, a leading educational technology website, offers a case in point.
To watch the video, click on the link below.
Discussion and Writing Questions
After watching Edudemic’s Anti-Bullying Public Service Announcement, consider the questions below.
1. According to the Edudemic website, “Over 6 million American schoolchildren have been bullied in the past six months,” and “whether you cheer on the bully, or silently watch, you are supporting the bully.” How do you respond to this claim? Do you agree that responsibility for bullying should be spread this widely? Why or why not?
2. Focus on the scenario in which we see classmates standing up for the victim of bullying. Write a short essay in which you describe and analyze the argument about bullying this scenario seems designed to make. What portrait of bullying is presented here? What larger message(s) does it present about how bullying comes about or the effects bullying has? Do you find these messages persuasive? Why or why not?