Casey Neistat, Texting While Walking

[00:00:04.93] [MUSIC PLAYING]

[00:00:40.92] Texting while walking may lack the social stigmas of drunk driving or smoking crystal meth, but it can be just as dangerous. Understanding the blind spot is pivotal to safety. This is the limit of your visibility when texting. Anything outside of the narrow visibility zone is your blind spot.

[00:01:03.86] [MUSIC PLAYING]

[00:01:12.52] This lack of spacial awareness is the source of most texting incidents. Walking the streets texting isn't much safer than walking them with a blindfold on. Which brings me to lesson two, the etiquette of walking and texting.

[00:01:35.55] This man is being inconsiderate with his texting, forcing the people around him to yield while he gets his text on. While this behavior is clearly ill mannered, it can also be dangerous. Watch what happens when this man here stops to text.

[00:02:06.69] Hey, can I ask you a quick question?

[00:02:08.18] What's up, brother?

[00:02:09.05] Do you think it's dangerous to walk and text at the same time?

[00:02:11.87] Sometimes.

[00:02:13.55] Thank you. Do you think it's dangerous to walk and text at the same time?

[00:02:22.08] No. No. No.

[00:02:26.43] Uh, yeah, definitely. It is.

[00:02:29.62] Yes, but I do it anyway.

[00:02:31.61] Yes, I hate that.

[00:02:35.06] Proper technique is putting your back against the wall and standing in one place while you text, allowing foot traffic to safely flow by.

[00:02:42.76] [MUSIC PLAYING]