Imagine that three of your friends got into an argument when you were not around, and then two of them tell you their sides of the story, separately. Their stories are very different from each other. Which friend do you believe? How do you know the truth? And what about that third friend who never got to tell her side? Where’s her story? Now imagine that you have to tell someone else what happened. Think about how your perspective as someone who did not even witness the conflict would shape the events even further.
The point is: perspective matters. Your friends have their own points of view, you have a point of view, and inevitably those perspectives will shade the story slightly, even subconsciously; each individual comes across better in his or her own version of the story.
Look at the following pair of images of the Taj Mahal in India. How does the photographer’s perspective affect how we view the subject? What is included and excluded in the frame, and for what purpose?