A Quilt of a Country
Anna Quindlen
Anna Quindlen (b. 1953) is an American novelist and newspaper columnist. Her novels include One True Thing and Black and Blue, and her nonfiction books include A Short Guide to a Happy Life and How Reading Changed My Life. Quindlen won the Pulitzer Prize in 1992 for her column in the New York Times, and she wrote a regular column for Newsweek from 2000 to 2009. This article appeared in Newsweek on September 26, 2001, about two weeks after the September 11 terrorist attacks.
America is an improbable idea. A mongrel nation built of ever-
The reality is often quite different, a great national striving consisting frequently of failure. Many of the oft-
This is a nation founded on a conundrum, what Mario Cuomo2 has characterized as “community added to individualism.” These two are our defining ideals; they are also in constant conflict. Historians today bemoan the ascendancy of a kind of prideful apartheid3 in America, saying that the clinging to ethnicity, in background and custom, has undermined the concept of unity. These historians must have forgotten the past, or have gilded it. The New York of my children is no more Balkanized, probably less so, than the Philadelphia of my father, in which Jewish boys would walk several blocks out of their way to avoid the Irish divide of Chester Avenue. (I was the product of a mixed marriage, across barely bridgeable lines: an Italian girl, an Irish boy. How quaint it seems now, how incendiary then.) The Brooklyn of Francie Nolan’s famous tree,4 the Newark of which Portnoy complained,5 even the uninflected WASP suburbs of Cheever’s characters:6 they are ghettos, pure and simple. Do the Cambodians and the Mexicans in California coexist less easily today than did the Irish and Italians of Massachusetts a century ago? You know the answer.
What is the point of this splintered whole? What is the point of a nation in which Arab cabbies chauffeur Jewish passengers through the streets of New York — and in which Jewish cabbies chauffeur Arab passengers, too, and yet speak in theory of hatred, one for the other? What is the point of a nation in which one part seems to be always on the verge of fisticuffs with another, blacks and whites, gays and straights, left and right, Pole and Chinese and Puerto Rican and Slovenian? Other countries with such divisions have in fact divided into new nations with new names, but not this one, impossibly interwoven even in its hostilities.
5 Once these disparate parts were held together by a common enemy, by the fault lines of world wars and the electrified fence of communism. With the end of the cold war there was the creeping concern that without a focus for hatred and distrust, a sense of national identity would evaporate, that the left side of the hyphen — African-
Yet even in 1994, the overwhelming majority of those surveyed by the National Opinion Research Center agreed with this statement: “The U.S. is a unique country that stands for something special in the world.” One of the things that it stands for is this vexing notion that a great nation can consist entirely of refugees from other nations, that people of different, even warring religions and cultures can live, if not side by side, than on either side of the country’s Chester Avenues. Faced with this diversity there is little point in trying to isolate anything remotely resembling a national character, but there are two strains of behavior that, however tenuously, abet the concept of unity.
There is that Calvinist undercurrent in the American psyche that loves the difficult, the demanding, that sees mastering the impossible, whether it be prairie or subway, as a test of character, and so glories in the struggle of this fractured coalescing. And there is a grudging fairness among the citizens of the United States that eventually leads most to admit that, no matter what the English-
Tolerance is the word used most often when this kind of coexistence succeeds, but tolerance is a vanilla-
Explain the meaning of the quilt metaphor as it applies to the United States. Refer to specific evidence from the piece to support your explanation.
Quindlen includes a lot about the ideal of America versus its reality. What does she conclude about the contrast between the two?
What do the references to Nolan’s Brooklyn, Portnoy’s Newark, and Cheever’s suburbs have in common, and how do they work to support Quindlen’s point about America’s neighborhoods?
At the end of paragraph 3, Quindlen writes, “You know the answer.” What answer is she hoping her audience gives, and how does this implied answer relate to the quilt metaphor?
Explain what Quindlen means when she writes in paragraph 5, “that the left side of the hyphen [. . .] would overwhelm the right.”
While Quindlen does not name the terrorist attacks of 9/11 until the very last paragraph, how has the context played a role in her argument? What have the attacks caused her to think about?
According to Quindlen, is the diversity of America a problem or a benefit? Refer to specific evidence from the piece to support your answer.
Reread the last paragraph, where Quindlen struggles to find just the right word to describe why America’s coexistence succeeds. She tries out three words—
In the second sentence, Quindlen chooses the word “mongrel” to describe America. What is the connotation of this word? Does she use it in a literal way or does she intend a different effect? Skim back through the selection to focus on other diction choices that Quindlen uses to describe America. How do these choices reflect Quindlen’s tone toward America?
Reread paragraph 2. What purpose does this particular paragraph serve in Quindlen’s argument? Why is it effective for the author to present it so early in her argument?
In paragraph 3, Quindlen uses the word “ghettos.” How is her use similar to and different from its common, contemporary usage? How does the word help to illustrate her argument about American neighborhoods?
Paragraph 4 consists of three rhetorical questions and one concluding sentence. What is the effect of the rhetorical questions and to what extent does the last sentence in the paragraph answer the questions, or not?
How does Quindlen use the quote from an interview with Leonel Castillo (par. 7) to support her argument?
While she does not include a lot of details about her personal life in this piece, Quindlen does make a couple of references to her childhood, her children’s growing up in New York, and her father’s crossing “Chester Avenue” (par. 3). How are these glimpses into Quindlen’s own life used to establish her ethos?
Reread the sentence from the last paragraph that begins “When photographs of the faces [. . .]” Analyze the rhetorical devices Quindlen uses to create this powerful sentence and explain how it contributes to her argument as a whole.
Quindlen’s argument is made up almost entirely of appeals to pathos. Locate facts, statistics, expert opinions, or other appeals to logos in outside sources that would support or contradict Quindlen’s contention that America is “a mongrel nation that [. . .] has one spirit” (par. 8).
In the last sentence of the essay, Quindlen writes, “Like many improbable ideas, when it actually works, it’s a wonder.” What are some other “improbable ideas” from history, science, pop culture, or other sources? What makes them work even though they may be “improbable”? Are they, in fact, also “wonders”? Why?
We learn in paragraph 3 that Quindlen is the “product of a mixed marriage, across barely bridgeable lines: an Italian girl, an Irish boy.” Write about what you know about your own family’s background and explain how your family’s history resembles—