Chapter 6. Physical Activity

Purpose and Goals

Nutrition for a Changing World
You must read each slide, and complete any questions on the slide, in sequence.

Photo Credit: Andresr/Shutterstock

Physical Activity


Regular physical activity has many health benefits, yet the majority of Americans do not get the amount recommended by health experts. In this activity, you will compare your exercise patterns with the current recommendations.

This activity can be completed using the AnalyzeMyDiet tracker from within your LaunchPad course. Click on the AnalyzeMyDiet link found on your LaunchPad home screen.

To complete the activity using AnalyzeMyDiet:

  • If you have not already completed the AnalyzeMyDiet Tutorial and tracked at least one day’s nutrition and activity, do so first.
  • Within AnalyzeMyDiet, go to the Reports tab.
    • Select “Activity Summary” on the left.
    • Select the day(s) that are representative of your typical diet or as specified by your instructor.
    • Click “Show Report” to download your report.

For more instructions and help using AnalyzeMyDiet, please visit the help page.

6.1 Build Your Grid

For this activity you will need the Activity Summary report. This report can be accessed individually or as part of the Combination Report in AnalyzeMyDiet.

Use the Activity Summary report to fill in your information in the two grids below.

Table : Caloric Intake Summary Grid
Caloric Intake Summary
Calorie Target A1
Daily Average Calories Expended A2

Note: Enter a numeric zero (0) for any days you did not track physical activity.

Table : Daily Activity Intake Grid
Daily Activity Details Duration (minutes) Calories Expended
Sunday C1 C2
Monday D1 D2
Tuesday E1 E2
Wednesday F1 F2
Thursday G1 G2
Friday H1 H2
Saturday I1 I2

6.2 Analyze Your Intake

Based on the values you entered in the input grid tables, answer the questions that follow.

Table : Caloric Intake Summary
Caloric Intake Summary
Calorie Target A1
Daily Average Calories Expended A2
Table : Daily Activity
Daily Activity Details Duration (minutes) Calories Expended
Sunday C1 C2
Monday D1 D2
Tuesday E1 E2
Wednesday F1 F2
Thursday G1 G2
Friday H1 H2
Saturday I1 I2

Question 6.1


Question 6.2


Question 6.3


6.3 Summary

Activity results are being submitted...