Tutorial: The Solar Atmosphere

Chapter 1. Overview

1.1 Tutorial: The Solar Atmosphere

Considering the Sun in a Different Light

Motion of a Small Sunspot Group


The video at right shows the sunspots on the photosphere as seen from Earth's surface shown over a two-week period. In the space below, describe your reasons for whether or not the Sun rotates using complete sentences. If you think it does rotate, indicate how long it takes to spin. If you think it does not, describe why you think it does not. Be as specific as possible about your reasoning.

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1.1.1 Tutorial: The Solar Atmosphere

Observing the Sun from Earth's Surface

Looking up at the Sun from Earth's surface, you might wonder if there is anything remotely interesting about a seemingly quiet ball of glowing gas. The "surface" of the Sun that we see from Earth is called the photosphere. The word photosphere quite literally means "the sphere of light." The photosphere has a steady temperature of 5800K.

The photosphere is the lowest of three main layers in the Sun's atmosphere.

1.1.2 Tutorial: The Solar Atmosphere

Granulation on the Photosphere

Granules on the Sun's surface (Neil Hurlbert)

Close inspection with specially designed telescopes shows that the surface of the photosphere is bubbling in a pattern called granulation (more info). Each of the individual granules is about 1000 km across - the size of a large state in the United States. Granulation is caused by convection in the photosphere. Gas from lower levels of the photosphere is heated by the material underneath causing it to rise to the surface of the photosphere. At the surface, the gas cools and contracts then descends back into the deep photosphere in much the same process that water violently boils in a pot on the stove.

1.1.3 Tutorial: The Solar Atmosphere


Seething Granules Around Sunspots

Probably the most obvious features of the Sun's photosphere are dark blotches known as sunspots. These irregularly shaped regions appear darker than the surrounding photosphere because they are at a lower temperature and do not shine as brightly. The dark center of each sunspot is called the umbra while the lighter area around the edge is called the penumbra. Sunspot lifetimes range anywhere from a few hours to several months. Sunspot sizes vary enormously as well, ranging in size from a few kilometers across to nearly the size of Jupiter.

Sunspots are low-temperature regions in the photosphere.

1.1.4 Tutorial: The Solar Atmosphere

Eleven-Year Sunspot Cycles

The Sun at Sunspot Maximum and Sunspot Minimum

Observing sunspots with specially designed telescopes is largely a matter of chance. On any given day, there could be many or no sunspots visible. However, there are times when sunspots are more common than other times. The average number of sunspots varies with a period of about 11 years. The exact cause of the 11-year cycle still eludes astronomers but is likely related to both the magnetic field of the Sun and its variable rotation rate.

A current image of the Sun is available from the Big Bear Solar Observatory.

1.1.5 Tutorial: The Solar Atmosphere

Estimating the Rotation Rate of the Sun with Sunspots

Tracking the Sun's Rotation with Sunspots


The image at right, Tracking the Sun's Rotation with Sunspots, shows the Sun every day for about 6 weeks. Determine the length of time it takes the Sun to rotate once and fully explain your reasoning.

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1.1.6 Tutorial: The Solar Atmosphere

Observing Solar Rotation

An X-Ray Look at the Sun (Neil Hurlbert)

Galileo discovered that he could determine that the Sun rotates about once each month by tracking sunspots as they move from one side of the Sun to the other. Over the years, careful observation revealed that different latitudes of the Sun rotate at different rates. Specifically, the equatorial regions rotate much faster than the polar regions. A sunspot near the equator can go around the Sun in about 25 days whereas material at the poles can take as much as 35 days to orbit the Sun's axis once.

Today, spacecraft such as the Yohkoh SXT Solar Observatory and the SOHO Satellite closely monitor the Sun's atmosphere and rotation.

1.1.7 Tutorial: The Solar Atmosphere

Seeing the Sun in a Different Light

The chromosphere is located between the photosphere and the Sun's outermost atmosphere. The corona is the outermost layer of the Sun's atmosphere.

The Sun in X Rays

When viewed from outside Earth's protective atmosphere, we observe an entirely different Sun than the quiet Sun seen from Earth's surface. Just above the photosphere is a region called the chromosphere, the sphere of color. A mysterious phenomenon occurs in the corona. For some reason, still unknown, the temperature increases dramatically in the corona from thousands of degrees to millions of degrees. This is odd because one would expect that the farther you get from the hot surface of the Sun, the cooler it should become. In the chromosphere, it is exactly the opposite.

Above the chromosphere is the top layer of the solar atmosphere, the corona. The corona extends from the top of the chromosphere out to a distance of several million kilometers. The corona is almost empty space, having a density of only about 1011 atoms per cubic meter of gas compared to about 1023 atoms per cubic meter of air that we breathe. Yet the atoms there are moving at tremendous velocities, and when they collide, they release high-energy X-ray photons. These X-ray photons are only visible from satellites above Earth's protective atmosphere.

1.1.8 Tutorial: The Solar Atmosphere

Self Test: The Solar Atmosphere

Self Test: The Solar Atmosphere
Question 1 of 6

Box Title?


Click the sun's chromosphere.

{"title":"Chromosphere","description":"","type":"correct","color":"#99CCFF","code":"[{\"shape\":\"poly\",\"coords\":\"82,243,354,243,353,194,317,194,285,191,268,186,250,174,243,167,180,169,164,182,141,193,113,196,81,198,81,198\"}]"} {"title":"Spicule","description":"","type":"incorrect","color":"#333300","code":"[{\"shape\":\"poly\",\"coords\":\"179,171,248,171,227,144,217,120,213,99,214,89,212,109,208,123,202,137,194,152\"}]"} {"title":"Interior","description":"","type":"incorrect","color":"#333300","code":"[{\"shape\":\"rect\",\"coords\":\"82,256,355,288\"}]"} {"title":"Photosphere","description":"","type":"incorrect","color":"#000080","code":"[{\"shape\":\"rect\",\"coords\":\"81,245,356,256\"}]"} {"title":"Corona","description":"","type":"incorrect","color":"#333333","code":"[{\"shape\":\"poly\",\"coords\":\"83,17,354,17,355,187,332,188,309,185,293,183,277,178,264,170,250,159,240,148,233,131,225,109,221,83,218,58,216,54,211,54,207,61,208,71,205,90,203,108,191,141,182,155,162,173,138,183,115,186,83,187\"}]"} {"title":"Transition Region","description":"","type":"incorrect","color":"#800000","code":"[{\"shape\":\"poly\",\"coords\":\"81,192,104,194,109,194,114,194,120,193,129,191,138,190,147,188,157,184,166,178,175,171,186,159,198,140,209,115,215,75,215,72,216,98,217,106,218,116,226,138,234,151,243,164,258,178,274,186,300,193,320,194,344,195,356,194,354,188,322,188,286,184,272,176,256,166,240,148,234,135,228,120,224,107,220,86,216,66,217,63,216,54,211,56,210,58,208,66,208,82,205,101,200,120,194,136,186,148,174,163,160,175,144,181,128,187,83,188\"}]"}

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1.1.9 Tutorial: The Solar Atmosphere

Explosions on the Sun

Probably the most violent event occurring in our solar system are explosions on the Sun known as a coronal mass ejection or CME. During a CME, more than 1012 kilograms of high-temperature coronal gas are suddenly ejected into outer space at speeds reaching 400 kilometers per second. The ejected material can reach Earth in about 3 days and causes disturbances in Earth's magnetosphere. These disturbances can cause satellite electronics to fail, communication systems to be interrupted, health hazards for astronauts, and displays of auroras.

1.1.10 Tutorial: The Solar Atmosphere

Self Test: Faces of the Sun

Self Test: The Solar Atmosphere
Question 1 of 11

Box Title?


Click the image which shows the sun's chromosphere.

{"title":"Sun in UV","description":"","type":"incorrect","color":"#99CCFF","code":"[{\"shape\":\"rect\",\"coords\":\"52,2,214,86\"}]"} {"title":"Magnetogram","description":"","type":"incorrect","color":"#993300","code":"[{\"shape\":\"rect\",\"coords\":\"53,87,215,170\"}]"} {"title":"Sunspot group","description":"","type":"incorrect","color":"#333300","code":"[{\"shape\":\"rect\",\"coords\":\"53,171,215,253\"}]"} {"title":"Sunspot","description":"","type":"incorrect","color":"#000080","code":"[{\"shape\":\"rect\",\"coords\":\"54,254,215,337\"}]"} {"title":"Rotation rates","description":"","type":"incorrect","color":"#333333","code":"[{\"shape\":\"rect\",\"coords\":\"54,337,215,423\"}]"} {"title":"Sun in X Rays","description":"","type":"incorrect","color":"#800000","code":"[{\"shape\":\"rect\",\"coords\":\"219,2,378,87\"}]"} {"title":"Chromosphere","description":"","type":"correct","color":"#FF6600","code":"[{\"shape\":\"rect\",\"coords\":\"219,88,379,169\"}]"} {"title":"Photosphere","description":"","type":"incorrect","color":"#808000","code":"[{\"shape\":\"rect\",\"coords\":\"219,170,379,253\"}]"} {"title":"Corona","description":"","type":"incorrect","color":"#008000","code":"[{\"shape\":\"rect\",\"coords\":\"219,254,379,337\"}]"} {"title":"Solar prominence","description":"","type":"incorrect","color":"#008080","code":"[{\"shape\":\"rect\",\"coords\":\"219,338,379,422\"}]"}

Now review what you just learned...

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1.1.11 Tutorial: The Solar Atmosphere

Reconsidering the Sun in a Different Light

Earlier in this tutorial, you described the rotation rate of the Sun as the following:


Motion of a Small Sunspot Group


Again, describe the rotation rate of the Sun and be sure to use and explain your reasoning.

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