Hydrogen, H2 (g), can be dangerous because it can react explosively with oxygen, O2 (g) to form water, H2O (g).
2H2 (g) + O2 2H2O (g)
Examine the simulation to view this reaction on a molecular scale.
Students observer an animation: The animation shows motion of molecules in a reaction in which H2 and O2 combine to form H2O (vibration, rotation, and translation.). A spark breaks one H-H bond, then the reaction occurs forming H2O. The H2O molecules move very rapidly.
[See Molecular Workbench at http://mw.concord.org/modeler/ as an example. Open molecular workbench software (click on "2. Launch MW"), download it, double click on "Library of Models." Under "Chemistry," find "How Chemical Reactions Happen." Navigate to the simulation on page 7 of the tutorial called "Explosion." Select "spark" and run the simulation on this page.]
Drawings and/or simulations with questions to support student thinking about atomic models
To be completed by students before class