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Chapter 6. The Basics Of Telescopes And CCDs

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Author: Scott Miller, Pennsylvania State University

Editor: Beth Hufnagel, Anne Arundel Community College

The goals of this module: After completing this exercise, you should be able to:

  1. Describe the benefits of observing with a telescope and CCD camera.
  2. Explain how astronomers perform photometric observations of objects.

In this module you will explore:

  1. The various instruments that astronomers use to observe celestial objects.
  2. How a Charge-Coupled Device (CCD) improves data collection.

Why you are doing it: We can observe only so much with just our eyes. We are limited by how much light they can gather and how quickly our brain processes the data. Astronomers have developed a number of tools that allow us to gather and store more data, and therefore detect fainter objects and determine various properties associated with them.

CCD Image

Have you ever looked at a picture taken by a professional telescope and wondered how astronomers can see such detail, when we can't just by looking up at the night sky? Let's investigate why.

Astronomical imaging took off in the nineteenth century with the introduction of photographic film, but unfortunately, while you can expose film for longer periods of time, it is not very efficient. Today astronomers use a different method of collecting light, with the use of CCDs, or Charge Coupled Devices.

A CCD is a small chip a few square centimeters in size, which is divided into an array of tiny light-sensitive pixels. A typical CCD can contain over a million pixels! With so many pixels, CCDs can record the positions of incoming photons with incredible precision. This is the technology your phone or digital camera uses. In fact, many amateur astronomers simply attach their digital cameras to their telescopes!

CCD Graphic

The animation above shows light being given off by a galaxy. We can observe this light in a number of different ways. First, place the person (eye) in the path of the light, so that we can "observe" the galaxy. Notice the bar representing how much light we collect from the galaxy before the human brain processes the data, which it does once every 0.2 seconds. Due to the small size of our eyes (roughly 8 millimeters in diameter) and the quick processing time of our brain, we can collect only a small amount of light from the galaxy at one time, meaning that we can't see dim objects with our eyes.

Now select the Eye+Telescope and see what happens. For the moment we will observe the galaxy with a 1-meter telescope (the opening of the telescope is 1 meter in diameter).

Question 1.

The main advantage of using a telescope to observe astronomical objects over simply looking at them with the naked eye is that the telescope can magnify the image.


Correct. The main advantage of using a telescope to observe astronomical objects over simply looking at them with the naked eye is that the telescope can magnify the image.
Incorrect. The main advantage of using a telescope to observe astronomical objects over simply looking at them with the naked eye is that the telescope can magnify the image.

The ability of a telescope, human eye, or other instrument to collect light in a given amount of time is referred to as its light-gathering power. The light-gathering power of a telescope is directly related to the area of the objective lens, which depends on the square of its diameter:

light-gathering power diameter2

That squiggly mark instead of an equals sign is shorthand for "is proportional to" In other words: when comparing two telescopes, if one has twice the diameter of the other, then the bigger telescope will collect not twice but four times as much light in the same amount of time.

Question 2.

How much more light is gathered through the telescope in the previous animation compared to the amount of light gathered with just the human eye?

Try again. Compare the light gathering power of the telescope to the light gathering power of the human eye using the diameters in the previous animation. Divide 1 meter by 8 mm, then square the answer. Before you divide, you must convert the 8 mm into meters using the fact that there are 1000 mm in one meter.
Correct. The light gathering power of a telescope is proportional to the square of its diameter. 1 m divided by 0.008 m is 125. Square 125 to get 15,625 times as much light gathered by a telescope.
Incorrect. The light gathering power of a telescope is proportional to the square of its diameter. 1 m divided by 0.008 m is 125. Square 125 to get 15,625 times as much light gathered by a telescope.

Even using a telescope, we are still limited by the short exposure time of the human brain. What if we replace the person with a CCD camera, what happens then? Try it and find out!

CCD Graphics

Question 3.

The main advantage of recording data with a CCD camera rather than the human eye is that a CCD camera allows astronomers to gather light for a longer period of time, and therefore observe fainter objects.


Correct. Notice that it is NOT magnification, making the object look bigger.

As you can see, by gathering light for a longer period of time before processing, we can see even fainter objects. This is why astronomers record their observations with equipment, rather than directly looking through telescopes themselves

Incorrect. Notice that it is NOT magnification, making the object look bigger.

As you can see, by gathering light for a longer period of time before processing, we can see even fainter objects. This is why astronomers record their observations with equipment, rather than directly looking through telescopes themselves

Combined CCD images

Photometry deals with the measurement of the apparent brightness of an astronomical object as viewed from Earth. It is important in the study of variable stars, supernovae, extrasolar planet detection, and many other fields.

In addition to their ability to gather light for longer periods of time, CCDs also have a higher efficiency than photographic film, being able to collect roughly 70% of the light that falls on them. Because of this, astronomers now use them for photometry measurements of astronomical objects.

So how do astronomers determine the total amount of light received from an object over time, if even a CCD doesn't capture all of it? Astronomers use what they call "standard stars", or stars which have a well-known apparent brightness. When astronomers observe their object in question, they also observe a standard star on the same night. They then compare the amount of light received from both objects.

Assuming that everything else is the same (same telescope, same CCD, on the same night), the difference in the amount of light recorded for each object must be proportional to the difference in the amount of light emitted towards Earth by each object. Since we know the apparent brightness of the standard star, we can then determine the apparent brightness of the object that we are observing.

Question Sequence

Question 4.

What is a "standard star"?


Try again.
Correct. A standard star is a star with a known apparent brightness, which astronomers can observe and use as a comparison to an object of unknown brightness. That way the apparent brightness of the unknown star can be calculated.
Incorrect. A standard star is a star with a known apparent brightness, which astronomers can observe and use as a comparison to an object of unknown brightness. That way the apparent brightness of the unknown star can be calculated.

Indepth Activity: The Basics Of Telescopes And CCDs

Question 6.

The light-gathering power of a telescope is:



Question 7.

In order to quantitatively determine the apparent brightness of an unstudied star, an astronomer needs to:


Correct. By observing a standard star of known apparent brightness, you can determine how much light a CCD collects in a given region over a certain amount of time, and use this to determine the apparent brightness of whatever object you are observing.
Incorrect. By observing a standard star of known apparent brightness, you can determine how much light a CCD collects in a given region over a certain amount of time, and use this to determine the apparent brightness of whatever object you are observing.

Question 8.

The main advantage of a telescope over the human eye is:



Question 9.

The main advantage of using a telescope with a CCD camera to observe astronomical objects is:



Question 10.

What is photometry?



Question 11.

Which of the following is NOT an advantage of CCD cameras?



Question 12.

A ____________ is any star with a known ____________.



Question 13.

List the following in order of increasing ability to see fainter objects in a given amount of time.


Correct. The use of a telescope helps improve the area over which light can be gathered. CCDs, in addition, also allow a longer time to gather light before processing.
Incorrect. The use of a telescope helps improve the area over which light can be gathered. CCDs, in addition, also allow a longer time to gather light before processing.

Question 14.

Which of the following factors does not affect the apparent brightness of an object as observed by a CCD camera connected to a telescope?


Correct. All of the factors do contribute to the apparent brightness of the object. The more light the object gives off, the brighter it will appear. The larger the objective lens of the telescope, the more light that will pass through it. The greater the efficiency of the CCD and the longer it is exposed, the more light it will record.
Incorrect. All of the factors do contribute to the apparent brightness of the object. The more light the object gives off, the brighter it will appear. The larger the objective lens of the telescope, the more light that will pass through it. The greater the efficiency of the CCD and the longer it is exposed, the more light it will record.

Question 15.

Photometry is the determination of a star's ____________.


Correct. Photometry is the measurement of the apparent brightnesses of stars and other astronomical objects.
Incorrect. Photometry is the measurement of the apparent brightnesses of stars and other astronomical objects.

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