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Chapter 17. Stellar Parallax

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Hipparcos Satellite Thumbnail

Author: Scott Miller, Penn State University

Editor: Grace L. Deming, University of Maryland

Measuring parallax image
Measuring the parallax of a nearby star

The goals of this module: After completing this exercise, you should be able to:

  1. Demonstrate what parallax is and how to measure it.
  2. Explain what simplifications astronomers make with the parallax formula and why they are able to do so.
  3. Calculate the distance to any star, given its parallax angle.

In this module you will explore:

  1. The inverse relationship between the distance to a star and its parallax angle
  2. The limitations of ground-based telescopes in measuring parallax angles and why we need space satellites to measure these values
  3. The fraction of the Galaxy for which we can measure parallax shifts of stars and the limiting distances using this method

Why you are doing it: One of the most fascinating questions in astronomy is "How far away is everything?" There are a number of distance measurement techniques, each of which relies on the accuracy of other methods to measure smaller distances. Therefore, knowing how astronomers measure distances to high accuracy using stellar parallax is of extreme importance in astronomy and has a deep impact on measurements of the remainder of the universe!

Observing parallax on Earth image
Observing parallax on Earth

Hold up your index finger on one hand and hold it out at arms length. Now, look at it first through one eye, then the other, blinking back and forth. What do you notice about its apparent position relative to objects further away? You should notice that your finger appears to move relative to background objects. Did you actually move it? No, but it appeared to move anyway. Why? Because you were looking at it from two different perspectives: first through one eye, then the other; and they are not located in the same place. Likewise, in the figure to the right, the position of the tree relative to distant mountains changes when viewed from position B rather than position A.

This phenomenon is known as parallax. Parallax can be defined as an apparent change in position of a nearby object relative to background objects due to a change in perspective of the observer. The concept of parallax has been known for hundreds of years. Ancient astronomers knew about parallax, which influenced their view of the world around them. When they looked at the stars in the sky, they were never able to measure a parallax shift for any star. Viewed with the unaided eye, not a single star in the sky appears to move over time due to parallax. This led astronomers to hypothesize that the Earth was motionless, forming the basis for the geocentric model of the solar system. While other observations eventually demonstrated that the Earth does in fact move as it orbits around the Sun, it wasn't until the invention of the telescope that astronomers were able to measure any parallax shifts for stars.

Question 1.

Parallax is the measurement of


Try again. Remember looking at your finger through one eye, then another. What happened?
Correct. An object appears to move from one location to another because the observer is seeing it from two different positions. The object is not actually changing position.
Incorrect. An object appears to move from one location to another because the observer is seeing it from two different positions. The object is not actually changing position.

Your finger appeared to move from side to side because you were looking at it from two different locations. These locations were separated by a given distance (the distance between your two eyes). If you could increase this distance, then the apparent shift of a particular object would be greater. When viewing the parallaxes of stars, astronomers want to take two measurements as far apart as possible so that the parallax is as big as possible.

As the Earth orbits around the Sun, it moves through space, allowing us to see stars from different locations. The farthest apart we can take parallax measurements would be from opposite sides of the Sun. Parallax measurements of nearby stars are taken 6 months apart. Astronomers measure the angular shift of the star's position relative to background stars. Half of this shift is known as the parallax (p) of the star.

Remember the experiment we performed at the beginning of this exercise, where we held up one finger and looked at it with one eye at a time? Now repeat the experiment, but hold up two fingers, one on each hand. Hold one finger close to your eyes, and one at arms length. Now look at them with one eye at a time, blinking back and forth. What do you notice? You can see the same results in the animation below.

Click on PLAY to start.

Question 2.

In the animation, which star has the greater parallax?


Try again. Also, look at the parallax formula. How are parallax and distance related?
Correct. As you can see in the video, there is an inverse relationship between the distance to the star and its parallax. The farther the star is from us, the smaller its parallax.
Incorrect. As you can see in the video, there is an inverse relationship between the distance to the star and its parallax. The farther the star is from us, the smaller its parallax.
The Alpha Centauri system image
The Alpha Centauri system, located at a distance of 1.3 parsecs, contains the closest stars to us (not including the Sun). Credit: Akira Fuji / David Malin Images

The distance (d) to a star is inversely related to its parallax (p); the farther away a star is, the smaller its parallax. We can write this as a formula: d α 1/p (the distance is proportional to the inverse of the parallax).

At this point, astronomers like to make a simplification which allows us to turn the proportionality into an equality. If the parallax angle is measured in arcseconds (where 60 arcseconds make up 1 arcminute and 60 arcminutes make up 1 degree), then the distance to the star will be measured in parsecs (pc). One parsec is defined as the distance to a star that has a parallax of exactly 1 arcsecond.

Question 3.

How far on average is Earth from the Sun, in Astronomical Units?

Try again. Think back to how the length of an AU was defined?
Correct. The Astronomical Unit is defined as the average distance between the Earth and Sun, so it makes sense that this value is 1.
Incorrect. The Astronomical Unit is defined as the average distance between the Earth and Sun, so it makes sense that this value is 1.


It turns out that 1 parsec is equal to 206,265 AU.

The nearest star is 1.3 pc away. That means that not only do all stars have parallaxes less than 1 arcsecond in size, but they are also very far away from us, compared to the distance from Earth to the Sun. 1 parsec is equal to 3.26 light years, so the nearest star is at a distance of 4.3 LY.

The Hipparcos satellite image
The Hipparcos satellite measured the parallaxes of millions of stars.

Due to the inverse relationship between distance and parallax angle, the farther away an object is, the smaller its parallax. If you move an object far enough away, its parallax will become so small that you will be unable to measure any shift at all. The object will appear to be a motionless background star.

Because Earth's atmosphere is not stationary, but moves around constantly, there is a limiting parallax which ground-based telescopes can measure. The atmosphere distorts the star light too much and we cannot measure the shifts accurately enough beyond this limiting value. This shortcoming led astronomers to launch Hipparcos (the High Precision Parallax Collecting Satellite) into space in 1989. Its main mission was to measure the parallaxes of stars down to a precision of 0.001 arcseconds. This means that parallaxes as small as 0.005 have an accuracy of 20%. Being located above Earth's atmosphere, it was not limited by atmospheric turbulence. Hipparcos was only limited by its own ability to measure tiny shifts in the positions of stars over time. The parallaxes of over 2 million stars were measured using Hipparcos, before it ultimately ended its mission in 1993.

Question 4.

Given that Hipparcos can observe a parallax angle down to 0.005 arcseconds, out to what distance (in parsecs) can it observe?

Try again. Refer to the formula for parallax to remind yourself of the relationship between distance and parallax angle.
Correct. The distance to a star in parsecs is equal to the inverse of its parallax in arcseconds. It turns out that most of the stars measured by Hipparcos had parallaxes between 0.02 to 0.03 arcseconds, so most of the stars for which we measured parallax are within 50 pc of us.
Incorrect. The distance to a star in parsecs is equal to the inverse of its parallax in arcseconds. It turns out that most of the stars measured by Hipparcos had parallaxes between 0.02 to 0.03 arcseconds, so most of the stars for which we measured parallax are within 50 pc of us.
Illustration of Milky Way Galaxy

While Hipparcos determined the distances to millions of stars during its run, it was limited by the accuracy to which it could measure parallax shifts. The figure to the right is an illustration of our Milky Way galaxy, with an arrow pointing to a red dot representing the region around our Sun which contains the majority of stars for which parallaxes where measured by Hipparcos.

Question 5.

Roughly what fraction of the Galaxy can be observed using parallax?


Try again. Look at the figure above. Our Galaxy has a diameter of 50 kpc. How does this compare to the distance to which Hipparcos can measure distances?
Correct. The Milky Way has a radius of approximately 25 kiloparsecs (kpc). Compared to that, a distance of 50 pc is rather small (1/500th the length). Hipparcos measured distances to only a small fraction of stars in our Galaxy.
Incorrect. The Milky Way has a radius of approximately 25 kiloparsecs (kpc). Compared to that, a distance of 50 pc is rather small (1/500th the length). Hipparcos measured distances to only a small fraction of stars in our Galaxy.


Astronomers planned another mission to build upon the measurements made by Hipparcos. The Gaia satellite was launched in December of 2013. One hundred times better than Hipparcos, it has the capability to measure much smaller parallax shifts, ultimately determining the distances to billions of stars in our Galaxy.

Gaia image
Gaia: the next generation after Hipparcos

Indepth Activity: Stellar Parallax

Question 6.

The farther the star is, the:


Correct. The parallax of a star is inversely related to its distance; the farther the star is, the smaller its parallax.
Incorrect. The parallax of a star is inversely related to its distance; the farther the star is, the smaller its parallax.

Question 7.

Hipparcos could only observe parallaxes:


Correct. Hipparcos can observe stars farther away than that, it just doesn't see them appear to shift position over time.
Incorrect. Hipparcos can observe stars farther away than that, it just doesn't see them appear to shift position over time.

Question 8.

Parallax is:


Correct. Parallax can be defined as an apparent change in position of a nearby object relative to background objects due to a change in perspective of the observer. The concept of parallax has been known for hundreds of years.
Incorrect. Parallax can be defined as an apparent change in position of a nearby object relative to background objects due to a change in perspective of the observer. The concept of parallax has been known for hundreds of years.

Question 9.

The distance to a star is related to its parallax. When the distance to the star is ____________, the parallax is ____________.


Correct. The distance (d) to a star is inversely related to its parallax (p); the closer a star is, the larger its parallax is.
Incorrect. The distance (d) to a star is inversely related to its parallax (p); the closer a star is, the larger its parallax is.

Question 10.

For an Earth-based parallax , what is the optimal time between the two measurements used to determine an object’s parallax?


Correct. As the Earth orbits around the Sun, it moves through space, allowing us to see stars from different locations. The farthest apart we can take parallax measurements would be from opposite sides of the Sun. Parallax measurements of nearby stars are taken 6 months apart.
Incorrect. As the Earth orbits around the Sun, it moves through space, allowing us to see stars from different locations. The farthest apart we can take parallax measurements would be from opposite sides of the Sun. Parallax measurements of nearby stars are taken 6 months apart.

Question 11.

To make the parallax relationship an equality, the parallax is measured in ____________ and the distance to the star is found in ____________.


Correct. If the parallax angle is measured in arcseconds (where 60 arcseconds make up 1 arcminute and 60 arcminutes make up 1°), then the distance to the star will be measured in parsecs (pc). One parsec is defined as the distance to a star that has a parallax of exactly 1 arcsecond.
Incorrect. If the parallax angle is measured in arcseconds (where 60 arcseconds make up 1 arcminute and 60 arcminutes make up 1°), then the distance to the star will be measured in parsecs (pc). One parsec is defined as the distance to a star that has a parallax of exactly 1 arcsecond.

Question 12.

Greek astronomers understood the parallax phenomena. Why were they unable to use parallax to measure the distances of stars?


Correct. Ancient astronomers knew about parallax, which influenced their view of the world around them. When they looked at the stars in the sky, they were never able to measure a parallax shift for any star. Viewed with the unaided eye, not a single star in the sky appears to move over time due to parallax. It wasn't until the invention of the telescope that astronomers were able to measure any parallax shifts for stars.
Incorrect. Ancient astronomers knew about parallax, which influenced their view of the world around them. When they looked at the stars in the sky, they were never able to measure a parallax shift for any star. Viewed with the unaided eye, not a single star in the sky appears to move over time due to parallax. It wasn't until the invention of the telescope that astronomers were able to measure any parallax shifts for stars.

Question 13.

A space telescope can observe smaller parallaxes than an Earth-based telescope because


Correct. Atmospheric blurring limits the angular shift that an Earth-based telescope can measure. Since space telescopes are above Earth's atmosphere, they do not suffer from this, and are only limited by their own capabilities.
Incorrect. Atmospheric blurring limits the angular shift that an Earth-based telescope can measure. Since space telescopes are above Earth's atmosphere, they do not suffer from this, and are only limited by their own capabilities.

Question 14.

A star with a parallax of 0.05 arcseconds is at a distance of


Correct. If d = 1/p, then d = 1/0.05, which is equal to 20 pc.
Incorrect. If d = 1/p, then d = 1/0.05, which is equal to 20 pc.

Question 15.

For a given star, how will its parallax angle as measured from Mars compare to the angle measured from Earth?


Correct. Since Mars is farther from the Sun than the Earth is, an observer on Mars would have his measurements spread apart by a larger distance than the observer on Earth. This would increase the parallax angle observed for a given star.
Incorrect. Since Mars is farther from the Sun than the Earth is, an observer on Mars would have his measurements spread apart by a larger distance than the observer on Earth. This would increase the parallax angle observed for a given star.

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