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Chapter 17. The Hertzsprung-Russell Diagram

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Author: Scott Miller, Penn State University

Editor: Grace L. Deming, University of Maryland

The Hertzsprung-Russell (H-R) diagram

The goals of this module: After completing this exercise, you should be able to:

  1. Explain how astronomers can determine the luminosities and temperature of stars.
  2. Describe how astronomers use these properties to determine trends among stellar groups.
  3. Explain how the sizes of stars can be determined once their luminosities and temperatures are determined.

In this module you will explore:

  1. How distance affects the apparent brightness of a star based on the inverse square law describing the behavior of light.
  2. How the surface temperature of a star affects its absorption spectrum.
  3. How astronomers use stellar spectra to indicate a star's temperature.
  4. How a plot of stellar properties allows astronomers to categorize stars.

Why you are doing it: The Hertzsprung-Russell diagram ("H-R diagram") is one of the greatest tools that astronomers have at their disposal. While at face value it simply looks like a plot of one stellar property as a function of another, in reality it is so much more. Almost all of a star's characteristics can be determined based on its placement on an H-R diagram. Astronomers not only learned of the various types of stars that exist based on their location on an H-R diagram, but can also learn about how a star changes over time, as its stellar properties change with age. The H-R diagram provides a wealth of information to astronomers.

By the early 1900's, astronomers had determined the luminosities and temperatures of a large number of stars. Given that both of these are intrinsic properties of stars (they do not depend on the location of the observer and they are not affected by the motion of the star), astronomers were curious to find if there was any relationship between the two. In order to further investigate this relationship, two astronomers, Ejnar Hertzsprung and Henry Norris Russell, independently created a graph that plots these two properties. Today we call this graph the Hertzsprung-Russell diagram (or simply H-R diagram), in honor of the two astronomers.

The H-R diagram is an essential tool in astronomy. Not only does it display a relation between two intrinsic properties of stars, but as we will find out, it reveals a third one as well (relating the sizes of stars to luminosity and temperature). Other stellar properties can also be plotted on an H-R diagram, such as mass, stellar lifetime, and age. (Unfortunately, though, we do not have the time to cover all of these in one activity!) Astronomers can also use H-R diagrams to plot the evolution of a star from birth until death, and see how its properties change over its life.

A star shines because fusion is taking place in its core, generating energy in the process. That energy makes its way through the star, out through its surface and into space. A measurement of the amount of energy a star gives off over time is known as its luminosity. Knowing the luminosity of a star allows us to determine how much energy the star generates. But how can we determine the luminosity of a star?

When we observe stars in the sky, they appear dim to us because they are so far away. What we measure is their apparent brightness; how bright they appear to us here on Earth. The apparent brightness of a star depends on how far away it is from us – the farther away the star is, the dimmer it will appear.

There exists a relationship between the apparent brightness of a star and its luminosity; the more luminous the star, the brighter it will appear. There is also a relationship between the apparent brightness of a star and its distance. Watch the following animation to discover this relationship.

As light leaves the star, it spreads out through space. If we follow one patch of light, we see that it will pass through one square region of space at a distance of one pc away from the star.

Question 1.

At a distance of two pc away from the star, how many square regions does the same patch of light pass through?


Try again. Watch the animation again. At a distance of 2 pc away, how many squares do you see the light pass through?
Correct. At twice the distance away from the star, the light passes through four squares or, in other words, each square receives one-fourth as much light.
Incorrect. At twice the distance away from the star, the light passes through four squares or, in other words, each square receives one-fourth as much light.
The Inverse Square Law

If you kept watching the previous animation, you saw that at a distance of 3 parsecs from the star, the same patch of light passed through nine square regions of space or, in other words, each square received one-ninth as much light. This relationship between apparent brightness and distance is known as the Inverse Square Law of Light. The apparent brightness of light depends on the inverse square of the observer's distance from the light.

We can write this as a formula: b = L/4πd2. Using this formula, if we can determine the distance (d) to a star and measure how bright it appears to us (b) on Earth, we can calculate its luminosity (L), an intrinsic property of a star.

Question 2.

Star X and star Y have the same luminosity, yet star X is twice as far away from Earth as star Y. How do their apparent brightnesses compare?"


Try again. Look at the formula again. How does brightness depend on distance?
Correct. Since star Y is closer, it will appear brighter. According to the Inverse Square Law of Light, brightness decreases as the inverse of distance, squared. Therefore, if star X is twice as far away, it appears one-fourth as bright.
Incorrect. Since star Y is closer, it will appear brighter. According to the Inverse Square Law of Light, brightness decreases as the inverse of distance, squared. Therefore, if star X is twice as far away, it appears one-fourth as bright.
Apparent magnitudes of the stars in the Pleiades

Astronomers use a different system of measurement to note the luminosities of stars. In ancient times, a Greek astronomer named Hipparchus observed the stars that he could see with the unaided eye and decided to rank them based on their apparent brightness. He ranked the brightest stars he could see as first class stars, and the dimmest stars he could see as sixth class stars. Since then, modern astronomers have reclassified Hipparchus' system into what is now known as the magnitude system. The apparent magnitude (m) of a star is a measurement of how bright it appears to observers on Earth. According to this system, brighter stars have lower magnitudes (numerically). It also turns out that a difference of five magnitudes corresponds to a ratio of 100 in brightness (it has to do with how our eyes measure a change in brightness).

Some apparent magnitudes

Question 3.

Star A has an apparent magnitude of +6. Star B appears 100 times brighter than Star A. What is its apparent magnitude?


Try again. Remember, a change of luminosity by a factor of 100 corresponds to a difference of five in magnitude, and that brighter stars have lower magnitudes.
Correct. A change in brightness by a factor of 100 corresponds to a difference of five in magnitude. Since brighter stars have lower magnitudes, Star B will have a magnitude of 6 - 5 = +1.
Incorrect. A change in brightness by a factor of 100 corresponds to a difference of five in magnitude. Since brighter stars have lower magnitudes, Star B will have a magnitude of 6 - 5 = +1.

Apparent magnitude is analogous to apparent brightness. The equivalent measure of a star's luminosity is called its absolute magnitude. Absolute magnitude (M) is an intrinsic measurement of a star's luminosity in terms of magnitudes. Because absolute magnitude does not change, astronomers needed to determine how to set this value. By definition, the absolute magnitude of a star is equal to its apparent magnitude if it were located at a distance of 10 parsecs (pc) from the observer. We can write this as a formula:

m - M = 5 log d - 5

For a star exactly at 10 pc, log (10) = 1, so m - M = 5(1) - 5 = 0. At this distance, the apparent magnitude is exactly equal to the absolute magnitude.

Question 4.

What if a star is farther away than 10 pc (say, at 100 pc)? What is the value of m - M?


Try again. You can approach this two ways: 1) What is the log of 100? That is, how many times do you multiply ten by itself to get 100? Plug this into the formula and calculate the answer. 2) If you move a star farther away, does it appear brighter or dimmer? What does this do to the apparent magnitude of a star?
Correct. If the star is farther than 10 pc, the star appears dimmer, and its apparent magnitude is higher than its absolute magnitude. If a star is closer than 10 pc, the star appears brighter, and so its apparent magnitude is lower than its absolute magnitude. The quantity m − M is known as the distance modulus, because by knowing the difference between a star's apparent and absolute magnitudes can tell you the star's distance.

Incorrect. You can approach this two ways: 1) What is the log of 100? That is, how many times do you multiply ten by itself to get 100? Plug this into the formula and calculate the answer. 2) If you move a star farther away, does it appear brighter or dimmer? What does this do to the apparent magnitude of a star?


The Sun has an absolute magnitude of +4.8 (approximately +5), so astronomers can relate luminosity to absolute magnitude as follows:

The Relationship Between Luminosity and Absolute Magnitude
Luminosity (L) Absolute Magnitude
10000 -5
100 0
1 +5
0.01 10
0.0001 15
Table : (1 L, one solar luminosity, is equivalent to the Sun's luminosity.)

Another property of stars which astronomers can determine is their surface temperature. According to Wien's law, a star's temperature is inversely related to the wavelength at which it emits most of its light. Therefore, if you can determine the wavelength at which a star emits most of its light, then you can determine its temperature.

A star's temperature affects the wavelengths at which it emits most of its light

Rather than measure individual wavelengths of light from stars, astronomers will measure a range of wavelengths at the same time. In order to do so, they use filters to block out a portion of visible light; allowing only a subset of the visible spectrum through the telescope. In astronomy, there are three basic filters: U - ultraviolet, B - blue , V - visible (green/yellow). By comparing the relative intensities of light obtained through the various filters, astronomers can fit a blackbody curve to the data and use it to determine the temperature of the star. Examples of blackbody curves are shown in the figure above.

In order to see how filters can be used to reveal temperatures, watch the animation.

Question 5.

Which of the following would you expect from a very hot star (with a temperature of around 15,000 K)?


Try again. According to Wien's law, hot stars emit most of their light at short wavelengths. Which filter's wavelength is shortest?
Correct. Hot stars emit most of their light at shorter wavelengths, and so give off more ultraviolet light than either blue or green/yellow visible light.
Incorrect. Hot stars emit most of their light at shorter wavelengths, and so give off more ultraviolet light than either blue or green/yellow visible light.
Stellar Spectra for a variety of stars.

Astronomers have found another way to determine the temperatures of stars. Look at the spectra of a sample number of stars shown above. You may recall that stars have absorption spectra, the dark lines indicating the presence of various elements in the atmospheres of the stars. Notice that different stars have different spectra. Does this mean that they have different compositions? No. All stars are composed mostly of hydrogen, with some helium, and trace amounts of metals (elements other than hydrogen and helium). If all stars have roughly the same composition, then why do their spectra look different?

Recall that absorption spectra are created as low-density gases absorb their “favorite” wavelengths, allowing the rest to pass through. These wavelengths correspond to energies that will allow electrons to jump up to higher energy levels as they orbit the nuclei of atoms. The reason why stars have different spectra is because they span a variety of temperatures. Even though they are composed of the same atoms, the electrons are found at higher energy levels in stars with greater temperatures. Therefore, the same atoms absorb different energies depending on the temperature of the stellar atmosphere. For example, in cool stars, the electrons in hydrogen atoms are found mostly in the ground state. At this level, the electrons will only absorb infrared radiation; they will not absorb visible light. Therefore, in cool stars, we do not see the presence of hydrogen in their spectra. Similarly, in hot stars, the hydrogen has been ionized, and so the electrons will not absorb visible light as well.

Strengths of Absorption Lines.

Question 6.

Look at the figure above. In which stars is the hydrogen (H) line strength strongest?


Try again. The figure above is a plot of line strength versus temperature. Look to see at which temperature the hydrogen line strength is highest.
Correct. It is only in mid-temperature stars (around 10,000 K) where hydrogen absorbs visible light, so it is only in these stars that we see strong hydrogen lines. Other elements absorb visible light most strongly at other temperatures. Therefore, the presence or absence of various absorption lines can be used as a temperature indicator.
Incorrect. It is only in mid-temperature stars (around 10,000 K) where hydrogen absorbs visible light, so it is only in these stars that we see strong hydrogen lines. Other elements absorb visible light most strongly at other temperatures. Therefore, the presence or absence of various absorption lines can be used as a temperature indicator.
Annie Jump Cannon

Originally, stars were classified by the strength of their hydrogen lines; A stars having the strongest hydrogen lines down to O stars, which had no hydrogen lines. Annie Jump Cannon (shown on the right), a noted astronomer who studied thousands of stellar spectra, realized that it made more sense to organize stars based on their temperature (an intrinsic property of stars), and so merged and reorganized the categories into the spectral classification scheme we use today. We now classify stars based on their temperature into one of seven spectral classes: O B A F G K M. O stars are the hottest stars while M stars are the coolest. You will notice that A stars, those with the strongest hydrogen lines, are found in the middle. Astronomers further classify stars with 10 subclasses in each class. For example, our Sun is a G2 star.

Question 7.

Our Sun is a G2 star because it doesn't contain as much hydrogen as some other stars. True or False?


Try again. Our Sun contains approximately as much hydrogen as other stars. It's rated as a G2 star because, due to the surface temperature of our Sun, the hydrogen doesn't absorb its favorite visible wavelengths as much as some other stars.
Correct. Our Sun contains approximately as much hydrogen as other stars. Due to the surface temperature of our Sun, though, the hydrogen doesn't absorb its favorite visible wavelengths as much as some other stars.
Incorrect. Our Sun contains approximately as much hydrogen as other stars. It's rated as a G2 star because, due to the surface temperature of our Sun, the hydrogen doesn't absorb its favorite visible wavelengths as much as some other stars.
H-R Diagram

Now that we know how to determine a few intrinsic properties of stars, we can plot them on a diagram to see if there is any pattern to their distribution. As discussed in the introduction, this is exactly what Hertzsprung and Russell did, creating the Hertzsprung-Russell diagram (H-R diagram).

An H-R diagram is plotted as a function of two stellar properties: luminosity and spectral type. Spectral Type is plotted on the x-axis, with O stars on the left and M stars on the right. The hottest stars are located on the left side of the diagram, while cooler stars are located on the right side of the diagram. Since spectral class is directly related to temperature, we can also plot the x-axis as a function of temperature (indicated on the top axis of this H-R diagram).

Luminosity is plotted on the y-axis, with the most luminous stars at the top. Stars not producing as much energy are located further down the y-axis. Since luminosity is independent of distance, we can also plot the y-axis as a function of absolute magnitude (how bright a star appears from the standard distance of 10 parsecs) which appears on the right side this H-R diagram.

Take a look at the H-R diagram on the right. Are the stars evenly distributed across the diagram? No, they are not. Looking at the diagram, you'll notice that most stars fall along a roughly diagonal line which we call the Main Sequence.

Question 8.

In which direction does the Main Sequence run?


Try again. Take a look at the graph above. The Main Sequence is the line of stars that runs from one corner of the diagram to the opposite corner.
Correct. The Main Sequence is where the majority of stars are found. Roughly 90% of all stars fall along the Main Sequence. Along the Main Sequence we find that there is a correlation between stellar properties; the hotter the star, the more luminous it is.
Incorrect. The Main Sequence is where the majority of stars are found. Roughly 90% of all stars fall along the Main Sequence. Along the Main Sequence we find that there is a correlation between stellar properties; the hotter the star, the more luminous it is.

It turns out that if you know the luminosity and temperature of a star, you can also determine its radius. Here's how:

The luminosity (L) of a star is the amount of energy that passes through its surface every second. This is the same as saying that the luminosity of a star is equal to the intensity (I) of energy which passes through a unit surface area of the star every second times the star's surface area (A). We can write this as a formula:

L = IA

According to the Stefan-Boltzmann law, the intensity of light is related to its temperature (T):

I = σT4

The surface area of a sphere is given by:

A = 4πR2 (where R is the star's radius)

We can therefore rewrite the equation for luminosity as:

L = 4πR2σT4

Astronomers simplify this equation by using solar units (L , R , T ). Doing so, the equation can be written as:

L = R2T4

This is known as the Luminosity-Radius-Temperature Relation. As you can see, if you know two of the quantities (such as luminosity and temperature) you can determine the third (radius). Using this relation, astronomers can determine the radii of stars.

Question 9.

Star A is the same temperature as our Sun, but is 4 times as luminous. How does its size compare to the size of the Sun?


Try again. If the temperatures are the same, then the equation simplifies to LR2. How big would Star A have to be in order to be four times as luminous?
Correct. If the temperatures are the same, then the equation simplifies to LR2. If the star is 4 times as luminous, then it is twice as big (since 22 = 4).
Incorrect. If the temperatures are the same, then the equation simplifies to LR2. How big would Star A have to be in order to be four times as luminous?
Stellar Sizes on an H-R Diagram.

Since radius can be determined once you know the luminosity and temperature of a star, we can plot this information on an H-R diagram as well. Look at the figure above. The dashed lines represent lines of constant radius; all stars on the same line are the same size.

Question 10.

On an H-R diagram, in which direction does radius increase?


Try again. Look at the diagram. Where are the smallest stars? Where are the biggest stars?
Correct. According to the Luminosity-Radius-Temperature Relation, for stars of the same temperature, the more luminous the star, the bigger it is. For stars of the same luminosity, the hotter the star, the smaller it must be.
Incorrect. According to the Luminosity-Radius-Temperature Relation, for stars of the same temperature, the more luminous the star, the bigger it is. For stars of the same luminosity, the hotter the star, the smaller it must be.


Looking at the diagram, we find that stars in the lower-left corner are very hot stars, but are very small, resulting in a low luminosity. We call these stars White Dwarfs. White Dwarf stars represent the end stage of low-mass stars like our own Sun. Stars in the upper-right corner are rather cool stars, but very luminous, and so must be very big. We call these stars Giants. In 5 billion years, our Sun will evolve into a Red Giant star. Even more luminous stars are called super giants,, because they are even bigger than giant stars.

As you can see, when it comes to the H-R diagram, there is a lot of information contained in one simple diagram. Not only does it plot the luminosities and temperatures of stars, but it also shows us that these stellar properties are not random, but depend on the group to which various stars belong. Because various stellar properties are related to each other, we were also able to plot the radii of stars on the H-R diagram, and see that stars come in a variety of sizes. These are just some of the details contained in an H-R diagram. The H-R diagram is an invaluable tool in astronomy.

Indepth Activity:The Hertzsprung-Russell Diagram

Question 11.

If you move a star twice as far away from Earth compared to where it is now, it will appear:


Correct. According to the Inverse Square Law of Light, the brightness of a star depends on the inverse square of the distance. In this case the star would be 1/4 as bright.
Incorrect. According to the Inverse Square Law of Light, the brightness of a star depends on the inverse square of the distance. In this case the star would be 1/4 as bright.

Question 12.

The spectrum of a star is a direct indicator:


Correct. The temperature of a star directly controls which wavelengths will be absorbed by the gases in its stellar atmosphere.
Incorrect. The temperature of a star directly controls which wavelengths will be absorbed by the gases in its stellar atmosphere.

Question 13.

According to the H-R diagram:


Correct. This is only true for stars on the Main Sequence. In general, the luminosity of a star depends not only on temperature, but also radius.
Incorrect. This is only true for stars on the Main Sequence. In general, the luminosity of a star depends not only on temperature, but also radius.

Question 14.

Star A and star B appear to be the same apparent brightness, but through other means, you determine that Star A is four times as luminous as star B. How do their distances compare?


Correct. According to the Inverse Square Law of Light, for a more luminous star to appear as bright as a less luminous star, it must be farther away. Also, since brightness is inversely related to the square of the distance, it is only twice as far away.
Incorrect. According to the Inverse Square Law of Light, for a more luminous star to appear as bright as a less luminous star, it must be farther away. Also, since brightness is inversely related to the square of the distance, it is only twice as far away.

Question 15.

A star has an apparent magnitude of +5 and an absolute magnitude of +2. Which of the following statements is true?


Correct. Since the distance modulus (apparent magnitude - absolute magnitude) is positive, the star is farther than 10 pc.
Incorrect. Since the distance modulus (apparent magnitude - absolute magnitude) is positive, the star is farther than 10 pc.

Question 16.

A cool star, with a temperature of only 3000 K, will appear visibly as


Correct. According to Wien's law, cool stars emit most of their visible light in the red portion of the spectrum.
Incorrect. According to Wien's law, cool stars emit most of their visible light in the red portion of the spectrum.

Question 17.

The hottest stars are spectral class


Correct. From hottest to coolest, stars are labeled O B A F G K M.
Incorrect. From hottest to coolest, stars are labeled O B A F G K M.

Question 18.

If you know the absolute magnitude of a star, then you also know its


Correct. The absolute magnitude of a star is analogous to its luminosity. Recall their positions on the axes of the H-R Diagram.
Incorrect. The absolute magnitude of a star is analogous to its luminosity. Recall their positions on the axes of the H-R Diagram.

Question 19.

Star C is as luminous as star D, but twice as hot. How does their sizes compare?


Correct. In order to be as luminous as star C, which is hotter, star D must be bigger. Since luminosity depends on the square of the radius and temperature to the fourth power, if star C is twice as hot, then star D must be four times as big (24 = 42).
Incorrect. In order to be as luminous as star C, which is hotter, star D must be bigger. Since luminosity depends on the square of the radius and temperature to the fourth power, if star C is twice as hot, then star D must be four times as big (24 = 42).

Question 20.

Where are the largest stars found on an H-R diagram?


Correct. Radius increases from lower-left to upper-right, so the largest stars are found in the upper-right hand corner.
Incorrect. Radius increases from lower-left to upper-right, so the largest stars are found in the upper-right hand corner.

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