{"title":"earth","description":"Earth shows the least amount of cratering of all terrestrial planets. This is to be expected: Earth is the largest, and the most geologically active of the planets. This geologic activity has erased most signs of cratering. Moreover, Earth has very active weather; rain and wind have removed many signs of cratering, AND most of Earth's surface is covered by water. Craters that form underwater don't last very long!","type":"correct","color":"#000000","code":"[{\"shape\":\"circle\",\"coords\":\"315,120,39\"}]"}{"title":"venus","description":"Venus is pretty big, and therefore geologically active. However, the flake tectonic activity that occurs on Venus is not the same as plate tectonics, and doesn't involve the recycling of the Venetian surface. This means that although many signs of cratering have been erased over the years, there's still a lot left. Try again.","type":"incorrect","color":"#993300","code":"[{\"shape\":\"circle\",\"coords\":\"192,122,38\"}]"}{"title":"merc","description":"Mars and Mercury are fairly small, and they cooled fairly fast. As a result, they have old surfaces, and their craters show it. Try again.","type":"incorrect","color":"#333300","code":"[{\"shape\":\"circle\",\"coords\":\"66,119,18\"}]"}{"title":"mars","description":"Mars and Mercury are fairly small, and they cooled fairly fast. As a result, they have old surfaces, and their craters show it. Try again.","type":"incorrect","color":"#000080","code":"[{\"shape\":\"circle\",\"coords\":\"436,119,20\"}]"}
{"title":"earth","description":"As we saw in Chapter 6, Earth has a thick, highly structured atmosphere.","type":"correct","color":"#000000","code":"[{\"shape\":\"circle\",\"coords\":\"315,120,39\"}]"}{"title":"venus","description":"Venus has the densest atmosphere of all of the solar system's terrestrial bodies.","type":"correct","color":"#993300","code":"[{\"shape\":\"circle\",\"coords\":\"192,122,38\"}]"}{"title":"merc","description":"Try again.","type":"incorrect","color":"#333300","code":"[{\"shape\":\"circle\",\"coords\":\"66,119,18\"}]"}{"title":"mars","description":"Try again.","type":"incorrect","color":"#000080","code":"[{\"shape\":\"circle\",\"coords\":\"436,119,20\"}]"}
{"title":"earth","description":"Earth certainly has water! What other terrestrial bodies have good amounts of water?","type":"correct","color":"#000000","code":"[{\"shape\":\"circle\",\"coords\":\"315,120,39\"}]"}{"title":"venus","description":"Unfortunately Venus experienced a runaway greenhouse effect. In it's early period, it had a great deal of water in its atmosphere, which increased Venusian temperature, which evaporated more water to vapor, which made it hotter.... until all of the water had evaporated, and either combined with sulfur compounds to make sulfuric acid....or broke apart due to radiation. There's no water there now. Try again.","type":"incorrect","color":"#993300","code":"[{\"shape\":\"circle\",\"coords\":\"192,122,38\"}]"}{"title":"merc","description":"Try again.","type":"incorrect","color":"#333300","code":"[{\"shape\":\"circle\",\"coords\":\"66,119,18\"}]"}{"title":"mars","description":"With the Phoenix and the Mars Odyssey missions we have plenty of evidence that Mars has water on it, although most of it is in a frozen state. What other bodies have water on them. You must click on all of them to receive full credit. ","type":"correct","color":"#000080","code":"[{\"shape\":\"circle\",\"coords\":\"436,119,20\"}]"}