Chapter 1. 157 Where are the stars?

Map Learning Exercises

Where are the stars?

Question Where is the star on the HR diagram? Part 1.

{"title":"selection","description":"I'm a white dwarf: hot but so small that I don't give off much light. Nice work!","type":"correct","color":"#99cc00","code":"[{\"shape\":\"poly\",\"coords\":\"256,154,320,226,132,226,131,149\"}]"}
Please try again.

Question Where is the star on the HR diagram? Part 2.

{"title":"selection","description":"I'm a main sequence star, and I'll be a main sequence star until I've run out of fusable hydrogen in my core. Nice work!","type":"correct","color":"#ffffff","code":"[{\"shape\":\"poly\",\"coords\":\"170,5,202,5,232,71,276,126,318,171,361,236,332,237,291,175,252,136,211,88,177,20\"}]"}
Please try again.

Question Where is the star on the HR diagram? Part 3

{"title":"selection","description":"I'm a supermassive star, burning blue/white. I'm the kind of star that ends its life as a supernova with a black hole remnant. Nice work!","type":"correct","color":"#ffffff","code":"[{\"shape\":\"poly\",\"coords\":\"172,6,202,9,248,88,287,136,265,152,209,87,182,34\"}]"}
Please try again.

Question Where is the star on the HR diagram? Part 4

{"title":"selection","description":"I'm a small red main sequence star, cool but constant. I'm also the most common star in the galaxy. Nice work!","type":"correct","color":"#ffffff","code":"[{\"shape\":\"poly\",\"coords\":\"328,188,323,232,362,233,347,201\"}]"}
Please try again.

Question Where is the star on the HR diagram? Part 5

{"title":"selection","description":"I'm a giant star. Now that my core's hydrogen is used, I'm staying alive by fusing less efficient materials. Nice work!","type":"correct","color":"#ffffff","code":"[{\"shape\":\"poly\",\"coords\":\"214,26,365,221,382,222,381,26\"}]"}
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