Chapter 1. Classifying Solar System Bodies

Map Learning Exercises

Classifying Solar System Bodies

Question Asteroids are also _____?

{"title":"selection","description":"The largest asteroids are dwarf planets, while the rest are small solar-system bodies. A dwarf planet is a celestial body that is in orbit around the Sun and has sufficient mass for its self-gravity to pull the body into a nearly spherical shape, but does not have enough gravity to clear its orbital neighborhood of all the small debris orbiting there. Many asteroids meet that description.","type":"correct","color":"#ffffff","code":"[{\"shape\":\"rect\",\"coords\":\"86,67,220,132\"}]"}
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Question Large, but not a planet.

{"title":"selection","description":"The largest of the satellites are nearly as big as some of the planets, but they can never be considered planets. Satellites/moons, by definition, orbit plkanets, whereas planets, by definition, orbit the Sun.","type":"correct","color":"#ffffff","code":"[{\"shape\":\"poly\",\"coords\":\"224,53,244,49,250,264,146,265,147,164,183,165,185,130,223,131\"}]"}
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Question The "Kicked Out of the Planets" Club.

{"title":"selection","description":"The largest of the asteroids used to be considered planets, but as more and more larger asteroids were discovered, they were placed in a class of their own.","type":"correct","color":"#ffffff","code":"[{\"shape\":\"rect\",\"coords\":\"29,134,85,236\"}]"}
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