Chapter 1. Searching for Signs of Life

Map Learning Exercises

Searching for Signs of Life

Question Too toxic!

{"title":"selection","description":"Frequent outbursts of radiation from blackholes would make this part of the galaxy too toxic for life to likely form.","type":"correct","color":"#ff9900","code":"[{\"shape\":\"poly\",\"coords\":\"151,80,124,87,107,102,116,110,139,115,163,104,181,91,170,82,158,80\"}]"}
Please try again.

Question Too crowded!

{"title":"selection","description":"The crowded conditions in this portion of the galaxy would result in stellar near-misses and head-on collisions. The heavy traffic would likely disrupt the development of life in this area.","type":"correct","color":"#ffff99","code":"[{\"shape\":\"poly\",\"coords\":\"147,78,118,87,97,98,90,112,109,116,153,112,187,98,194,86,183,79,164,71\"}]"}
Please try again.

Question Too bland!

{"title":"selection","description":"On the far edges of the galaxy, there hasn't been enough stellar activity for life to occur. It takes a few generations of stellar activity to accumulate the amount of earth-building materials needed to develop the kind of planet that we think is most likely to foster life.","type":"correct","color":"#ffff99","code":"[{\"shape\":\"poly\",\"coords\":\"110,77,151,62,201,64,223,82,209,108,168,126,112,135,75,121,75,95,112,76,96,59,34,95,6,142,34,168,122,181,221,152,272,84,243,47,175,36,122,46,95,59\"}]"}
Please try again.

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