Analyzing a Visual: Overparenting


Topics for Critical Thinking and Writing

  1. Explain the visual metaphor presented in this image as extensively as you can. What does the image suggest about parents? What does it suggest about children? Is the image effective? How?

    Page 444
  2. Provide a reading of the image above that negotiates the meaning of intended message (see Chapter 4, p. 152). To do this, account for some of the ways the image shown overstates the problem or ignores aspects of parenting that are important to children’s development.

  3. Make a list (on your own or collaboratively) of as many things you can think of that parents “do” for their children’s benefit, protection, or well-being. Which items on your list might be considered reasonable, and which might be considered too much parenting? Discuss, or pick one you think is “overparenting” and tell why.

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