
1.1 Section Title

You must watch the entire tutorial before you can take the quiz.

Below you will find a draft simulation for the process of translation. Here are a few tips and a brief explanation of how it works. (NOTE: Sometimes it will open up to a blank screen...if this happens, just click in the blank area and the simulation should appear. If you don't see a start button, please click in the area surrounding the pink mRNA molecule as well and the start button should appear. Also, this simulation is not cross-browser compatible yet and has trouble in firefox and IE and sometimes other browsers behind firewalls. This will be fixed in a future iteration before publication.)

1. To run the simulation, click the "click to start" button (NOTE: Right now, you need to click either the words "click" or "start" to make it start...this is a bug.)

2. To change a nucleotide, click the nucleotide and it will scroll through A, U, G, C...

3. The simulation runs twice...after you let it run the first time, it will stop and you can make changes.

After you've completed the activity, click the button below to answer questions about what you've learned.