Chapter 5. Consciousness

Introduction to Psychology

5.1 : Sleep’s relationship to other variables (academics, mood, illness, personality)

Introduction to Psychology
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Topic: Sleep’s relationship to other variables (academics, mood, illness, personality)

Statistical Concepts Covered: In this applet, you’ll explore correlational data – data that show a relationship between two variables, but which cannot be used to make claims about causation. You will also think about the potential drawbacks of collecting data by asking individuals survey questions about their habits.

Question 5.1

This is a fill-in-the- query. This is a query.



In Chapter 5 you read about the debate surrounding how much sleep you need. While you might think that you can function well on less and less sleep, studies show that there is a solid relationship between sleeping and learning and memory. In this activity, you will analyze data from the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health, which measured adolescents on a wide range of variables including sleep habits and emotional and academic well-being. Nearly 5000 individuals were measured for the study, and you will analyze representative data from 500 of them to draw conclusions about how sleep (or lack thereof) can affect academic and social variables.

After you've completed the tutorial, click the button below to answer questions about what you've learned.